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Manipulating the Alpha Level Cannot Cure Significance Testing




We argue that making accept/reject decisions on scientific hypotheses, including a recent call for changing the canonical alpha level from p = 0.05 to p = 0.005, is deleterious for the finding of new discoveries and the progress of science. Given that blanket and variable alpha levels both are problematic, it is sensible to dispense with significance testing altogether. There are alternatives that address study design and sample size much more directly than significance testing does; but none of the statistical tools should be taken as the new magic method giving clear-cut mechanical answers. Inference should not be based on single studies at all, but on cumulative evidence from multiple independent studies. When evaluating the strength of the evidence, we should consider, for example, auxiliary assumptions, the strength of the experimental design, and implications for applications. To boil all this down to a binary decision based on a p-value threshold of 0.05, 0.01, 0.005, or anything else, is not acceptable.
机译:我们认为,做出关于科学假设的接受/拒绝决定,包括最近要求将规范的α水平从p = 0.05更改为p = 0.005,对于发现新发现和科学进步是有害的。考虑到全面和可变的alpha水平都存在问题,明智的做法是完全放弃重要性测试。有很多替代方法比重要性检验更直接地解决研究设计和样本量问题。但是任何一种统计工具都不应被视为提供清晰机械答案的新魔术方法。推论不应完全基于单个研究,而应基于多个独立研究的累积证据。在评估证据的强度时,我们应考虑例如辅助假设,实验设计的强度以及对应用的影响。将所有这些归结为基于0.05、0.01、0.005或其他任何值的p值阈值的二元决策是不可接受的。


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