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Skin to skin interactions. Does the infant massage improve the couple functioning?




Transition to parenthood is a critical stage of life due to several changes the couple has to handle. A large body of studies described how transition to parenthood can be linked to the onset of depressive symptoms, as well as the perception of a low social support, and an increased stress, representing a risk for the early mother–baby relationship. Infant massage (IM) emerged as a helpful tool to improve maternal skills in interacting with the baby, and leading toward a decreasing of post-partum symptoms. However, a growing body of literature highlights that men also may experience post-partum diseases, representing an additional risk for the development of the baby. To date, no study observed the impact of the IM on both partners. The aim of the current qualitative research is to observe the impact of the IM on a single couple of parents at childbirth. Pre (Time 1) and post-intervention (Time 3) procedure has been established to observe the changes occurring over the time in the couple. In particular, each member of the couple filled out the EPDS, the BDI-II, the MSPSS, and the PSI-SF both at Time 1 and at Time 3. The treatment (Time 2) was represented by the IM training, and lasted 4 weeks. Findings revealed a decrease in depressive symptoms in both partners, as well as an improvement of their perception of stress related to parental role. No changes has been detected with respect to the perception of social support. The IM seems to be a helpful approach to prevent the establishment of pathological conditions in new parents. Although no direct measures on the child were used, the current qualitative data seem to suggest that the IM may represent a valuable tool to prevent the onset of early negative outcomes of the baby. Further investigations and empirical data are needed to improve the knowledge in this field.
机译:由于夫妻必须应对多种变化,因此过渡为父母是人生的关键阶段。大量研究描述了如何过渡到父母身份会与抑郁症状的发作以及社会支持程度低和压力增加的感知有关,这代表了早期母婴关系的风险。婴儿按摩(IM)逐渐成为一种有用的工具,可提高孕产妇与婴儿互动的技能,并减少产后症状。但是,越来越多的文献表明,男性也可能会经历产后疾病,这代表了婴儿发育的额外风险。迄今为止,尚无研究观察到IM对双方伙伴的影响。当前定性研究的目的是观察IM对分娩时一对父母的影响。已经建立了干预前(时间1)和干预后(时间3)的程序,以观察夫妻在一段时间内发生的变化。特别是,这对夫妇的每个成员在时间1和时间3都填写了EPDS,BDI-II,MSPSS和PSI-SF。治疗(时间2)由IM训练代表,并持续了4个星期研究结果表明,双方伴侣的抑郁症状均有所减轻,并且他们对与父母角色有关的压力的感知得到了改善。关于社会支持的看法,没有发现任何变化。 IM似乎是防止新父母中病态建立的有用方法。尽管没有对儿童采取任何直接措施,但目前的定性数据似乎表明,IM可能是防止婴儿早期不良后果发作的有价值的工具。需要进一步的研究和经验数据来提高该领域的知识。



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