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Evaluation of the PV energy production determined by measurements, simulation and analytical calculations




The study provides a comparative analysis of the energy production of a 3 kW peak PV array connected in an islanded microgrid, in correlation with solar radiation and ambient temperature measurements. The experimental system is located in Cluj-Napoca Romania and was monitored during the year 2017, based on a graphical user interface. It was also evaluated the capability to predict the PV energy production by using the PV*SOL simulation software and an analytical model, developed at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. As input data in the analytical model was used the measured solar radiation and ambient temperature while in the simulations was used alternatively measured data and average meteorological data available in the software database. Besides energy production it was compared the solar radiation on the tilted plane of the PV panels, the PV panel's temperature and the system efficiency. For the predictions accuracy evaluation it was used the weighted mean absolute error based on total energy production, which was found to be lower than 1%, in good agreement with the values reported in literature. The outcomes of this study are valuable for expanding the PV installations in this area and for predictive energy management developments.
机译:该研究对与孤岛微电网连接的3 kW峰值PV阵列的能量产生与太阳辐射和环境温度测量值进行了比较分析。该实验系统位于罗马尼亚克卢日-纳波卡(Cluj-Napoca Romania),并在2017年基于图形用户界面进行了监控。还通过使用由科鲁-纳波卡技术大学开发的PV * SOL模拟软件和分析模型评估了预测PV能量产生的能力。作为分析模型中的输入数据,使用了测量的太阳辐射和环境温度,而在模拟中,则使用了软件数据库中可用的测量数据和平均气象数据。除了产生能量外,还比较了太阳能电池板倾斜面上的太阳辐射,太阳能电池板的温度和系统效率。为了进行预测准确性评估,使用了基于总能量产生的加权平均绝对误差,发现该平均误差小于1%,与文献报道的值非常吻合。这项研究的结果对于扩大该领域的光伏装置和预测能源管理的发展具有宝贵的价值。



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