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Leaching behaviour of mercury from hazardous solid waste generated by chlor-alkali industry




Through the conventional chlor-alkali production process, highly mercury (Hg) contaminated waste sludge is produced. Improper handling and disposal of this sludge may cause an environmental hazard. The leaching behaviour of Hg of land disposed mercurial sludge, originating from a chlor-alkali plant that still is in operation, was investigated using the German DIN 38414-S4 test. The total mercury content of the samples was above 1500 mg/kg, allowing the material to be classified as hazardous and high mercury waste. Concentrations of Hg in the leachates were higher than 0.02 mg/l stipulated by the 1991 EEC Landfill Directive Draft as a maximum limit for a waste that is to be landfilled. Total Hg contents and leachability differed markedly between the samples, pointing to a heterogeneity in the production of the sludge. The more limited release of Hg from one of the samples might reflect an ageing effect, or might reflect a better quality of the stabilization process at the time of production. Results indicate that the approach used to stabilize the sludge has not been sufficiently effective, and warrant caution about existing disposal sites and future management of these mercury containing waste materials.Key words: Mercury / Hazardous mercury waste / Chlor-alkali process / Heavy metal mobility / Leaching test
机译:通过常规的氯碱生产工艺,可生产出汞(Hg)污染严重的废渣。污泥的不正确处理和处置可能会造成环境危害。使用德国DIN 38414-S4试验研究了源自仍在运行的氯碱工厂的汞沉积土地汞的浸出行为。样品中的总汞含量超过1500 mg / kg,因此该材料被归类为有害和高汞废物。渗滤液中的汞浓度高于1991年EEC垃圾填埋指令草案规定的0.02 mg / l,这是要填埋的废物的最大限量。样品之间的总汞含量和可浸出性显着不同,表明污泥生产中存在异质性。从其中一个样品释放出的Hg更为有限,这可能反映出老化效应,或者可能反映出生产时稳定过程的质量更高。结果表明,用于稳定污泥的方法还不够有效,并且需要谨慎对待这些含汞废物的现有处置场所和未来管理。关键词:汞/有害汞废物/氯碱法/重金属迁移/浸出试验



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