首页> 外文期刊>Emerging Infectious Diseases >Novel Multiplexed HIV/Simian Immunodeficiency Virus Antibody Detection Assay

Novel Multiplexed HIV/Simian Immunodeficiency Virus Antibody Detection Assay

机译:新型多重HIV / Simian免疫缺陷病毒抗体检测方法



Like most emerging infectious disease viruses, HIV is also of zoonotic origin. To assess the risk for cross-species transmission of simian immunodefi ciency viruses (SIVs) from nonhuman primates to humans in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, we collected 330 samples derived from nonhuman primate bushmeat at 3 remote forest sites. SIV prevalences were estimated by using a novel high-throughput assay that included 34 HIV and SIV antigens in a single well. Overall, 19% of nonhuman primate bushmeat was infected with SIVs, and new SIV lineages were identifi ed. Highest SIV prevalences were seen in red-tailed guenons (25%) and Tshuapa red colobus monkeys (24%), representing the most common hunted primate species, thus increasing the likelihood for cross-species transmission. Additional studies are needed to determine whether other SIVs crossed the species barrier. With the newly developed assay, large-scale screening against many antigens is now easier and faster
机译:像大多数新兴的传染病病毒一样,HIV也是人畜共患的。为了评估刚果民主共和国猿猴免疫缺陷病毒(SIV)从非人类灵长类动物向人类的跨物种传播的风险,我们在3个偏远森林地点收集了330个非人类灵长类动物食用的样本。通过使用一种新颖的高通量分析方法来评估SIV患病率,该分析法在单个孔中包含34种HIV和SIV抗原。总体而言,有19%的非人类灵长类食用森林猎物被SIV感染,并且识别出新的SIV谱系。 SIV患病率最高的是红尾-(25%)和Tshuapa红疣猴(24%),它们是最常见的灵长类动物,因此增加了跨物种传播的可能性。需要进行其他研究以确定其他SIV是否越过物种壁垒。通过新开发的检测方法,现在可以更轻松,更快速地针对多种抗原进行大规模筛选


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