首页> 外文期刊>Emerging Infectious Diseases >Use of Mass-Participation Outdoor Events to Assess Human Exposure to Tickborne Pathogens

Use of Mass-Participation Outdoor Events to Assess Human Exposure to Tickborne Pathogens




Mapping the public health threat of tickborne pathogens requires quantification of not only the density of infected host-seeking ticks but also the rate of human exposure to these ticks. To efficiently sample a high number of persons in a short time, we used a mass-participation outdoor event. In June 2014, we sampled ≈500 persons competing in a 2-day mountain marathon run across predominantly tick-infested habitat in Scotland. From the number of tick bites recorded and prevalence of tick infection with Borrelia burgdoferi sensu lato and B. miyamotoi , we quantified the frequency of competitor exposure to the pathogens. Mass-participation outdoor events have the potential to serve as excellent windows for epidemiologic study of tickborne pathogens; their concerted use should improve spatial and temporal mapping of human exposure to infected ticks.
机译:确定tick传播病原体对公共卫生的威胁,不仅需要量化感染的寻求宿主host的密度,还需要量化人类接触这些these的速率。为了在短时间内有效地采样大量人员,我们使用了群众参与的户外活动。 2014年6月,我们抽样了≈500人参加了为期2天的山地马拉松比赛,比赛的地点是苏格兰主要tick虫栖息地。根据记录的of叮咬次数和博氏疏螺旋体和宫本芽孢杆菌的tick感染流行率,我们量化了竞争对手暴露于病原体的频率。群众参与的户外活动有可能成为壁虱病原体流行病学研究的绝佳窗口;它们的协同使用应改善人类暴露于受感染tick的空间和时间分布。



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