首页> 外文期刊>Emerging Infectious Diseases >A Master Medalist, a President, Tuberculosis, and a Congress: Contributions More Lasting than Bronze (http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/21/3/ac-2013)

A Master Medalist, a President, Tuberculosis, and a Congress: Contributions More Lasting than Bronze (http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/21/3/ac-2013)




Victor D. Brenner (1871–1924) International Congress on Tuberculosis Medal, 1908. Bronze, 1.4 × 1.2 in /35.5 × 30.9 mm. Photography by James Gathany The initials VDB are well known to collectors of the Lincoln penny, the obverse (front surface) of which reflects the longest-running design in the history of US coinage. In 1909, in its first coinage, VDB appears in embossed format at the bottom of the coin’s reverse, in honor of its designer, Victor David Brenner. The initial San Francisco Mint coin, the 1909-S VDB, remains a sought-after rarity; most collectors never fill the open-mouthed, empty “1909-S VDB” hole in their penny albums.
机译:维克托·D·布伦纳(Victor D. Brenner,1871年至1924年),国际肺结核会议奖章,1908年。铜牌,1.4×1.2英寸,/ 35.5×30.9毫米。 James Gathany的摄影最初的VDB是林肯便士的收藏家所熟知的,其正面(前表面)反映了美国造币史上运行时间最长的设计。 1909年,VDB在其首枚硬币中以浮雕形式出现在硬币背面的底部,以纪念其设计师Victor David Brenner。最初的旧金山造币厂硬币1909-S VDB仍然很受欢迎。大多数收藏家从未在他们的便士专辑中塞满嘴巴,空无一人的“ 1909-S VDB”孔。



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