首页> 外文期刊>Emerging Infectious Diseases >Transmission of Hepatitis E Virus from Rabbits to Cynomolgus Macaques

Transmission of Hepatitis E Virus from Rabbits to Cynomolgus Macaques




The recent discovery of hepatitis E virus (HEV) strains in rabbits in the People’s Republic of China and the United States revealed that rabbits are another noteworthy reservoir of HEV. However, whether HEV from rabbits can infect humans is unclear. To study the zoonotic potential for and pathogenesis of rabbit HEV, we infected 2 cynomolgus macaques and 2 rabbits with an HEV strain from rabbits in China. Typical hepatitis developed in both monkeys; they exhibited elevated liver enzymes, viremia, virus shedding in fecal specimens, and seroconversion. Comparison of the complete genome sequence of HEV passed in the macaques with that of the inoculum showed 99.8% nucleotide identity. Rabbit HEV RNA (positive- and negative-stranded) was detectable in various tissues from the experimentally infected rabbits, indicating that extrahepatic replication may be common. Thus, HEV is transmissible from rabbits to cynomolgus macaques, which suggests that rabbits may be a new source of human HEV infection.
机译:最近在中华人民共和国和美国的兔子中发现了戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)株,这表明兔子是戊型肝炎病毒的另一个值得注意的宿主。但是,来自兔的戊型肝炎病毒是否可以感染人类尚不清楚。为了研究兔戊型肝炎病毒的人畜共患病潜力和发病机理,我们用中国兔的戊型肝炎病毒株感染了2只食蟹猕猴和2只兔子。两只猴子都患有典型的肝炎。他们表现出升高的肝酶,病毒血症,粪便标本中的病毒脱落和血清转化。通过在猕猴中接种的HEV完整基因组序列与接种体的比较,显示出99.8%的核苷酸同一性。在实验感染的兔子的各种组织中均可检测到兔HEV RNA(正链和负链),这表明肝外复制可能很常见。因此,戊型肝炎病毒可从兔传播到猕猴,这表明兔可能是人类戊型肝炎病毒感染的新来源。



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