首页> 外文期刊>Emerging Infectious Diseases >Feeding Period Required by Amblyomma aureolatum Ticks for Transmission of Rickettsia rickettsii to Vertebrate Hosts (http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/20/9/14-0189)

Feeding Period Required by Amblyomma aureolatum Ticks for Transmission of Rickettsia rickettsii to Vertebrate Hosts (http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/20/9/14-0189)




Rocky Mountain spotted fever is endemic to the S?o Paulo metropolitan area, Brazil, where the etiologic agent, Rickettsia rickettsii, is transmitted to humans by adult Amblyomma aureolatum ticks. We determined the minimal feeding period required by A. aureolatum nymphs and adults to transmit R. rickettsii to guinea pigs. Unfed nymphs and unfed adult ticks had to be attached to the host for >10 hours to transmit R. rickettsii. In contrast, fed ticks needed a minimum of 10 minutes of attachment to transmit R. rickettsii to hosts. Most confirmed infections of Rocky Mountain spotted fever in humans in the S?o Paulo metropolitan area have been associated with contact with domestic dogs, the main host of A. aureolatum adult ticks. The typical expectation that transmission of tickborne bacteria to humans as well as to dogs requires ≥2 hours of tick attachment may discourage persons from immediately removing them and result in transmission of this lethal bacterium.
机译:落基山斑疹热是巴西圣保罗大都市地区的特有病,病原体立克次氏体立克次氏体是由成年金黄色盲mb传播给人类的。我们确定了金黄色芽孢杆菌若虫和成虫将立克次氏体传播给豚鼠所需的最短喂养期。要传播R. rickettsii,必须将未喂养的若虫和未喂养的成年s虱附着在宿主上> 10小时。相比之下,喂食的s需要至少10分钟的附着时间才能将立克次体传播给宿主。在圣保罗大都市地区,大多数确诊的落基山斑疹热感染是与家养犬接触造成的,家犬是金黄色葡萄球菌成年s的主要宿主。通常的期望是,tick传细菌向人和狗的传播需要≥2个小时的tick附着,这可能会阻止人们立即将它们清除,并导致这种致命细菌的传播。



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