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Tickborne Relapsing Fever, Bitterroot Valley, Montana, USA (http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/21/2/14-1276)




In July 2013, a resident of the Bitterroot Valley in western Montana, USA, contracted tickborne relapsing fever caused by an infection with the spirochete Borrelia hermsii . The patient’s travel history and activities before onset of illness indicated a possible exposure on his residential property on the eastern side of the valley. An onsite investigation of the potential exposure site found the vector, Ornithodoros hermsi ticks, and 1 chipmunk infected with spirochetes, which on the basis of multilocus sequence typing were identical to the spirochete isolated from the patient. Field studies in other locations found additional serologic evidence and an infected tick that demonstrated a wider distribution of spirochetes circulating among the small mammal populations. Our study demonstrates that this area of Montana represents a previously unrecognized focus of relapsing fever and poses a risk for persons of acquiring this tickborne disease.
机译:2013年7月,美国西部蒙大拿州Bitterroot山谷的居民患上了螺旋体伯氏疏螺旋体感染引起的lia传复发热。患者在病发之前的旅行经历和活动表明他在山谷东侧的住宅物业中可能有暴露。对潜在接触部位的现场调查发现,该载体Ornithodoros hermsi壁虱和1个被螺旋体感染的花栗鼠,在多位点序列分型的基础上与从患者体内分离出的螺旋体相同。在其他地方的野外研究发现了额外的血清学证据和受感染的tick,表明小型哺乳动物种群中循环的螺旋菌分布更广。我们的研究表明,蒙大拿州的这一地区代表了以前未认识到的复发性发热,并给人们患上这种tick传疾病的风险。



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