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Etymologia: Clostridium difficile




Clostridium, the genus name of these gram-positive, spore-forming, anaerobic bacteria, comes from Greek klōstēr (spindle) because, under the microscope, the colonies resemble spindles used in cloth weaving and long sticks with a bulge at the end. The species name diffi cile is a form of the Latin adjective diffi cilis because, when fi rst identifi ed (by Hall and O'Toole in 1935), the organism was diffi cult to isolate and grew slowly in pure culture. However, likely because of the familiarity of a French term with the same spelling and meaning, the French pronunciation has become widely used. These bacteria are part of the commensal intestinal . ora in humans, and toxigenic strains of the organism can cause pseudomembranous colitis, a severe infection of the colon, after normal gut . ora have been eradicated in patients who have received antimicrobial drugs
机译:梭状芽胞杆菌是这些革兰氏阳性,可形成孢子的厌氧细菌的名称,起源于希腊语klōstēr(纺锤),因为在显微镜下,菌落类似于织布时所用的纺锤形,而末端则类似于长条状,末端带有凸起。物种名称diffi Cile是拉丁语形容词diffi cilis的一种形式,因为当第一次发现时(由Hall和O'Toole于1935年发现),该生物很难在纯培养物中分离并缓慢生长。但是,可能是由于熟悉具有相同拼写和含义的法语术语,法语发音已被广泛使用。这些细菌是肠道的一部分。在人类正常的肠道中,人的口腔和生物的产毒菌株会引起假膜性结肠炎,这是结肠的严重感染。口服抗菌药物的患者已经根除



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