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Perinatal Toxoplasmosis, Northern Taiwan




To the Editor: Toxoplasmosis iscaused by a protozoan parasite knownas Toxoplasma gondii, which is foundin animals worldwide and is readilytransmitted to humans. The preva-lence of T. gondii–specific immuno-globulin (IgG) antibodies in womenranges from ≈15% in the UnitedStates (1) to ≈55% in Europe (2). Rateof transmission to a fetus in the first,second, and third trimesters is 8%,25%, and 60%, respectively (3). Therate of congenital toxoplasmosis inthe United States is 1–10 per 10,000live births (4). Most infants infectedin utero are born without obvioussigns of toxoplasmosis, and learningor visual disabilities do not develop inup to 80% until their second or thirddecade of life (5,6).In 1985 in Taiwan, the prevalencerates of T. gondii–specific IgG, asdetermined by ELISA, for pregnantwomen and their neonates were10.2% and 11.6%, respectively. Nosamples from mothers or neonateswere screened for IgM titers (7).During the past 20 years, however, thelifestyle, socioeconomic environment,and healthcare system have changedsubstantially in Taiwan. Overseastraveling has become more conven-ient, and Taiwan residents often travelto toxoplasmosis-endemic areas. Thenumber of babies born to immigrantmothers has also recently increased inTaiwan. Our objective was to estimatethe seroprevalence of perinatallytransmitted T. gondii in northernTaiwan.We tested sera collected from con-secutive samples of women and theirneonates (live births only) at 1 med-ical center, 1 local hospital, and 2obstetric clinics in northern Taiwanfrom April 2004 through January2005, which was 1 investigation ofthe Taiwan Birth Panel Study.Informed consent was obtained fromeither parent before enrollment in thestudy. Serum samples from cordblood of 483 neonates and pairedsamples from their mothers were ana-lyzed for T. gondii–specific IgG andIgM titers by ELISA (DiagnosticProducts Corporation, Los Angeles,CA, USA) (IgG sensitivity 94%,specificity 100%; IgM sensitivity96.9%, specificity 91%) (8). Samplesfrom the mothers were tested within 2days of delivery. Additional dataabout health measures and conditionswere collected by trained interviewersusing structured questionnaires
机译:致编辑:弓形虫病是由一种被称为弓形虫的原生动物寄生虫引起的,弓形虫在世界各地的动物中发现,并很容易传播给人类。女性中弓形虫特异性免疫球蛋白(IgG)抗体的流行范围从美国的约15%(1)到欧洲的约55%(2)。妊娠中期,中期和晚期向胎儿的传播率分别为8%,25%和60%(3)。在美国,先天性弓形虫病的发生率为每10,000例活产1–10(4)。大多数感染子宫内的婴儿出生时都没有明显的弓形体病征兆,直到他们的第二个或第三个十年为止,学习或视力障碍的发生率才高达80%(5,6)。1985年,台湾弓形虫特异性IgG的流行, ELISA法测定,孕妇及其新生儿分别为10.2%和11.6%。没有筛查母亲或新生儿的IgM滴度(7)。但是,在过去的20年中,台湾的生活方式,社会经济环境和医疗体系发生了实质性变化。出国旅行变得更加方便,台湾居民经常前往弓形虫病流行地区。台湾最近也增加了移民母亲所生的婴儿数量。我们的目的是评估台湾北部围产产的弓形虫的血清流行率。从4月开始,我们在台湾北部的1个医疗中心,1所当地医院和2所产科诊所对从妇女及其新生儿的连续样本(仅活产婴儿)采集的血清进行了检测。 2004年至2005年1月,这是台湾出生小组研究的一项调查。入学前,父母双方均已获得知情同意。通过ELISA(美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的诊断产品公司)分析了483例新生儿脐带血的血清样品和其母亲的配对样品的弓形虫特异性IgG和IgM滴度(IgG敏感性94%,特异性100%; IgM敏感性96) .9%,特异性91%)(8)。从分娩的两天内对母亲的样品进行了测试。训练有素的访调员使用结构化问卷收集有关健康措施和状况的其他数据



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