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West Nile Virus–associated Flaccid Paralysis




The causes and frequency of acute paralysis and res-piratory failure with West Nile virus (WNV) infection areincompletely understood. During the summer and fall of2003, we conducted a prospective, population-based studyamong residents of a 3-county area in Colorado, UnitedStates, with developing WNV-associated paralysis. Thirty-two patients with developing paralysis and acute WNVinfection were identified. Causes included a poliomyelitis-like syndrome in 27 (84%) patients and a Guillain-Barré–like syndrome in 4 (13%); 1 had brachial plexusinvolvement alone. The incidence of poliomyelitislike syn-drome was 3.7/100,000. Twelve patients (38%), including 1with Guillain-Barré–like syndrome, had acute respiratoryfailure that required endotracheal intubation. At 4 months, 3patients with respiratory failure died, 2 remained intubated,25 showed various degrees of improvement, and 2 werelost to followup. A poliomyelitislike syndrome likely involvingspinal anterior horn cells is the most common mechanismof WNV-associated paralysis and is associated with signif-icant short- and long-term illness and death
机译:西尼罗河病毒(WNV)感染导致的急性瘫痪和呼吸衰竭的原因和频率尚不完全清楚。在2003年夏季和秋季,我们在美国科罗拉多州3县地区的居民中开展了一项以人群为基础的前瞻性研究,研究对象是与WNV相关的瘫痪。确定了32例发生麻痹和急性WNV感染的患者。原因包括27例(84%)患者为脊髓灰质炎样综合征,4例(13%)患者为Guillain-Barré综合征。 1例仅伴有臂丛神经卷入。脊髓灰质炎样综合征的发生率为3.7 / 100,000。 12名患者(38%),包括1名患有格林-巴雷样综合征的患者,出现了急性呼吸衰竭,需要进行气管插管。在4个月时,3例呼吸衰竭患者死亡,2例仍插管,25例表现出不同程度的改善,2例没有随访。脊髓灰质炎样综合征可能涉及脊髓前角细胞,是WNV相关性麻痹的最常见机制,并与短期和长期重大疾病和死亡相关



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