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Variation in Aedes aegypti Mosquito Competence for Zika Virus Transmission




To test whether Zika virus has adapted for more efficient transmission by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, leading to recent urban outbreaks, we fed mosquitoes from Brazil, the Dominican Republic, and the United States artificial blood meals containing 1 of 3 Zika virus strains (Senegal, Cambodia, Mexico) and monitored infection, dissemination, and virus in saliva. Contrary to our hypothesis, Cambodia and Mexica strains were less infectious than the Senegal strain. Only mosquitoes from the Dominican Republic transmitted the Cambodia and Mexica strains. However, blood meals from viremic mice were more infectious than artificial blood meals of comparable doses; the Cambodia strain was not transmitted by mosquitoes from Brazil after artificial blood meals, whereas 61% transmission occurred after a murine blood meal (saliva titers up to 4 log10 infectious units/collection). Although regional origins of vector populations and virus strain influence transmission efficiency, Ae. aegypti mosquitoes appear to be competent vectors of Zika virus in several regions of the Americas.
机译:为了测试寨卡病毒是否适合埃及伊蚊(Aedes aegypti)蚊子更有效地传播,从而导致最近的城市暴发,我们用巴西,多米尼加共和国和美国的蚊子喂养了含有3种寨卡病毒株(塞内加尔,柬埔寨)的人工血粉(墨西哥),并监测唾液中的感染,传播和病毒。与我们的假设相反,柬埔寨和墨西哥菌株的传染性低于塞内加尔菌株。仅来自多米尼加共和国的蚊子传播了柬埔寨和墨西哥的毒株。但是,病毒血症小鼠的血粉比同等剂量的人工血粉更具感染力。柬埔寨的毒株在人工血餐后没有通过巴西的蚊子传播,而61%的传播是在鼠血餐后发生的(唾液效价最高为4 log 10 感染单位/收集)。尽管媒介种群和病毒株的区域起源会影响传播效率,但Ae。埃及蚊在美洲的几个地区似乎是寨卡病毒的有效载体。


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