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European Bat Lyssaviruses, the Netherlands




To study European bat lyssavirus (EBLV) in bat reser-voirs in the Netherlands, native bats have been tested forrabies since 1984. For all collected bats, data includingspecies, age, sex, and date and location found wererecorded. A total of 1,219 serotine bats, Eptesicus seroti-nus, were tested, and 251 (21%) were positive forlyssavirus antigen. Five (4%) of 129 specimens from thepond bat, Myotis dasycneme, were positive. Recentlydetected EBLV RNA segments encoding the nucleoproteinwere sequenced and analyzed phylogenetically (45 speci-mens). All recent serotine bat specimens clustered withgenotype 5 (EBLV1) sequences, and homologies withinsubgenotypes EBLV1a and EBLV1b were 99.0%–100%and 99.2%–100%, respectively. Our findings indicate thatEBLVs of genotype 5 are endemic in the serotine bat in theNetherlands. Since EBLVs can cause fatal infections inhumans, all serotine and pond bats involved in contact inci-dents should be tested to determine whether the victim wasexposed to EBLVs
机译:为了研究荷兰蝙蝠间质中的欧洲蝙蝠狂犬病病毒(EBLV),自1984年以来对本地蝙蝠进行了狂犬病测试。对于所有收集的蝙蝠,均记录了包括种类,年龄,性别以及发现日期和位置的数据。总共测试了1,219个浆液蝙蝠(Eptesicus seroti-nus),其中251个(21%)是狂犬病病毒的阳性抗原。来自池塘蝙蝠的Myotis dasycneme的129个样本中有五个(4%)呈阳性。对最近检测到的编码核蛋白的EBLV RNA片段进行了测序,并进行了系统发育分析(45个样本)。所有最近的血清型蝙蝠标本都聚集有基因型5(EBLV1)序列,亚基因型EBLV1a和EBLV1b的同源性分别为99.0%–100%和99.2%–100%。我们的发现表明,基因型5的EBLV在荷兰的嗜血蝙蝠中是地方性的。由于EBLV可能导致人类致命感染,因此应测试所有接触接触者的血清杆菌和池塘蝙蝠,以确定受害人是否接触过EBLV。



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