首页> 外文期刊>Emerging Infectious Diseases >West Nile virus Epidemic in Horses, Tuscany Region, Italy

West Nile virus Epidemic in Horses, Tuscany Region, Italy




During the late summer of 1998, veterinary authorities in Tuscany, Italy, received reports of cases of neuro-logic disease among horses residing in a large wetland area located in the provinces of Florence and Pis-toia. West Nile virus was isolated from two of the six horses that died or were euthanized. A retrospectiveepidemiologic study identified 14 clinical neurologic cases that occurred from August 20 to October 6(attack rate of 2.8%). A serologic survey conducted over a 700-km2area in stables with and without appar-ent clinical cases confirmed a wider spread of the infection, with an overall seroprevalence rate of 38% inthe affected area. No significant differences in age-specific prevalence were observed, suggesting that thehorses residing in the area had not been exposed previously to West Nile virus and supporting the hypoth-esis of its introduction in the wetland area during the first half of 1998



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