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Salmonella Typhimurium Veterinary Clinic Outbreak




To the Editor: The EmergingInfectious Diseases 2004 issue onzoonotic diseases (volume 10, number12) included a careful and comprehen-sive description of a Salmonella enter-ica serovar Typhimurium outbreakassociated with a veterinary clinic inNew York (1). In the outbreak, 2 catsand 1 dog had dental procedures per-formed, and the 3 owners, 2 clinictechnicians, and a friend of an affectedowner all contracted with salmonel-losis caused by the same strain. Anisolate was obtained from an animal,but a source for the Salmonella out-break was not identified.I get 1 or 2 phone calls each yearfrom veterinarians in Canada regard-ing recurrent problems of salmonel-losis in their clinics, though rarelywith human infections. The advice Igive the veterinarians, which stops theproblem, is to stop using clindamycinas a routine prophylactic agent whencarrying out dental procedures. Themarked disruption of the colonicanaerobic microflora by oral clin-damycin will reduce the number ofSalmonella organisms required toestablish infection to very few. In vet-erinary journals, advertising for clin-damycin focuses on its use in prophy-laxis of infections after dental pro-cures such as cleaning, scaling, andextractions. Veterinary practitionerstypically respond to my advice withinitial disbelief because it challengesuse of a procedure that is seen as stan-dard in veterinary practice.
机译:致编者:《 2004年新兴传染病》动物传染性疾病(第10卷,第12期)包括对与纽约一家兽医诊所相关的肠沙门氏菌血清鼠伤寒暴发的认真而全面的描述(1)。在暴发中,有2只猫和1只狗进行了牙科手术,并且3位所有者,2位临床技术人员和一位患病所有者的朋友都感染了同一菌株引起的沙门氏菌病。隔离株是从动物身上获得的,但沙门氏菌爆发的来源尚未查明。我每年从加拿大的兽医那里接到1到2个电话,他们的门诊经常出现沙门氏菌病的复发问题,尽管很少有人感染。给兽医的建议是停止问题,在进行牙科手术时,应停止使用克林霉素作为常规的预防剂。口服克林霉素可显着破坏结肠厌氧菌群,将建立感染所需的沙门氏菌数量减少到极少。在兽医杂志上,克林霉素的广告重点是在清洁,洁牙和拔牙等牙科治疗后将其用于感染的预防。兽医从根本上不相信我的建议,因为它挑战了在兽医实践中被视为标准的程序的使用。



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