首页> 外文期刊>International journal of infectious diseases : >Immunoglobulin M seropositivity for Toscana virus in a random population sample in Sicily

Immunoglobulin M seropositivity for Toscana virus in a random population sample in Sicily




Objectives: High Toscana virus (TOSV) antibody seropositivity rates have been documented in the last decade, especially in the Mediterranean area. It is unclear if these rates are associated with a recent or past exposure to the virus. This is of importance, as primary infection can cause neurologic complications, especially in adults. The aim of the present study was to assess the current active TOSV circulation in western Sicily. Methods: A cross-sectional seroprevalence study was conducted on 271 individuals aged 4-92 years, sampled from the general population of a small city. Each participant completed a self-administered questionnaire and provided serum, which was analyzed for the presence of specific anti-TOSV IgM and IgG. Results: Anti-TOSV IgM was detected in eight (3.0%) participants, of whom only three had anti-TOSV IgG. The prevalence of anti-TOSV IgM was highest in subjects aged 25-34 and 35-44 years (7.1% and 4.8%, respectively). All subjects positive for anti-TOSV IgM were resident in the suburban area. Conclusions: The detection of IgM documented the circulation of TOSV, a Phlebovirus, in a random population sample of Sicilian adults. The highest risk of TOSV seroconversion in subjects living in the suburbs appears to suggest a high density of TOSV vectors in peri-urban areas.
机译:目的:在过去的十年中,特别是在地中海地区,已经记录了高托斯卡纳病毒(TOSV)抗体的血清阳性率。目前尚不清楚这些比率是否与最近或过去接触病毒有关。这很重要,因为原发感染会引起神经系统并发症,尤其是在成年人中。本研究的目的是评估西西里岛西部目前活跃的TOSV循环。方法:从一个小城市的总人口中抽取了271名年龄在4-92岁的个体进行了血清横断面研究。每个参与者填写一份自我管理的调查表并提供血清,分析血清中是否存在特异性抗TOSV IgM和IgG。结果:在八名(3.0%)参与者中检测到抗TOSV IgM,其中只有三名具有抗TOSV IgG。抗TOSV IgM的患病率在25-34岁和35-44岁的受试者中最高(分别为7.1%和4.8%)。所有抗TOSV IgM阳性的受试者都居住在郊区。结论:IgM的检测证明了西西里成年人的随机样本中TOVE(一种静脉病毒)的循环。在居住在郊区的受试者中,TOSV血清转化的最高风险似乎表明,郊区地区的TOSV载体密度很高。



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