首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Science and Technology >A Novel Metaheuristic Data Mining Algorithm for the Detection and Classification of Parkinson Disease

A Novel Metaheuristic Data Mining Algorithm for the Detection and Classification of Parkinson Disease




Objectives: Over the rapidly changing environment, the data mining techniques and its application are applied in the healthcare sector for medical diagnosis. The present study intends to provide a survey to gain the knowledge over current techniques of database discovery for the classification of Parkinson Disease. Methods: The study adopted a novel metaheuristic data mining algorithm for the detection and classification of Parkinson Disease were about 195 instances are selected for the investigation. In the initial phase the data underwent five phases, which includes training dataset, data pre-process, feature selection, classification and evaluation. However the research evaluated through performance measure tool, which consist of various techniques. This includes the confusion matrix, precision, recall and error rate. The confusion matrix is evaluated with various attributes like Specificity, Sensitivity, Accuracy and Positive and Negative predictive values. Findings: The study also performs a comparative study on five classification algorithms i.e. ABO, SCFW with KELM, FCM, ACO and PSO algorithms. This comparison results from confusion matrix of the selected algorithms which supports in identifying the specificity, sensitivity and accuracy of performance measures index showed that ABO algorithm is found to have best specificity, sensitivity and accuracy compared to all other algorithms, i.e. SCFW with KELM, FCM, PSO and ACO. In addition, the classifiers comparison results of the selected algorithms indicated that ‘ABO’ has the highest accuracy. Conclusion: In the present paper intended to estimate the efficiency and efficacy of the selected algorithm to best detect the Parkinson Dataset using various classifiers, as early detection of any kind of disease is an essential factor. The study reported that ABO algorithm has about have 97 percent accuracy in classifying and features filtering.
机译:目标:在瞬息万变的环境中,数据挖掘技术及其应用已在医疗保健领域用于医学诊断。本研究旨在提供一项调查,以了解有关帕金森氏病分类的数据库发现技术的最新知识。方法:本研究采用新颖的元启发式数据挖掘算法对帕金森病进行检测和分类,共选择了195个实例进行研究。在初始阶段,数据经历了五个阶段,包括训练数据集,数据预处理,特征选择,分类和评估。但是,研究是通过性能评估工具进行评估的,该工具包含多种技术。这包括混淆矩阵,精度,召回率和错误率。混淆矩阵的评估具有各种属性,如特异性,敏感性,准确性和正负预测值。研究结果:该研究还对5种分类算法进行了比较研究,即ABO,带有KELM的SCFW,FCM,ACO和PSO算法。该比较结果来自所选算法的混淆矩阵,该矩阵支持识别性能指标的特异性,敏感性和准确性,表明与其他所有算法(即带有KELM,FCM的SCFW)相比,ABO算法具有最佳的特异性,敏感性和准确性。 ,PSO和ACO。此外,所选算法的分类器比较结果表明,“ ABO”具有最高的准确性。结论:本文旨在评估选择算法以使用各种分类器最佳检测帕金森数据集的效率和功效,因为尽早发现任何类型的疾病都是必不可少的因素。研究报告称,ABO算法在分类和特征过滤方面的准确率约为97%。



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