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Multifrequency filter search for high redshift sources and lensing systems in Herschel-ATLAS ?

机译:多频滤波器搜索 Herschel -ATLAS中的高红移源和透镜系统



We present a new catalog of high-redshift candidate Herschel sources. Our sample is obtained after applying a multifrequency filtering method (“matched multifilter”), which is designed to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of faint extragalactic point sources. The method is tested against already-detected sources from the Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey (H-ATLAS) and used to search for new high-redshift candidates. The multifilter technique also produces an estimation of the photometric redshift of the sources. When compared with a sample of sources with known spectroscopic redshift, the photometric redshift returned from the multifilter is unbiased in the redshift range 0.8?< ? z ?< ?4.3. Using simulated data we reproduced the same unbiased result in roughly the same redshift range and determined the error (and bias above z ?≈?4) in the photometric redshifts. Based on the multifilter technique, and a selection based on color, flux, and agreement of fit between the observed photometry and assumed SED, we find 370 robust candidates to be relatively bright high-redshift sources. A second sample with 237 objects focuses on the faint end at high-redshift. These 237 sources were previously near the H-ATLAS detection limit but are now confirmed with our technique as high significance detections. Finally, we look for possible lensed Herschel sources by cross-correlating the first sample of 370 objects with two different catalogs of known low-redshift objects, the redMaPPer Galaxy Cluster Catalog and a catalog of galaxies with spectroscopic redshift from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 14. Our search renders a number of candidates to be lensed systems from the SDSS cross-correlation but none from the redMaPPeR confirming the more likely galactic nature of the lenses.
机译:我们提出了高红移候选Herschel来源的新目录。我们的样本是采用多频滤波方法(“匹配的多重滤波器”)获得的,该方法旨在提高微弱河外点源的信噪比。该方法经过了Herschel天体物理太赫兹大面积调查(H-ATLAS)已检测到的来源的测试,并用于搜索新的高红移候选者。多滤镜技术还可以估算光源的光度红移。当与具有已知光谱红移的光源样品进行比较时,从多滤光片返回的光度红移在0.8?<?的红移范围内是无偏的。 z≤<4.3。使用模拟数据,我们在大致相同的红移范围内重现了相同的无偏结果,并确定了光度红移中的误差(以及z≈≈4以上的偏差)。基于多滤镜技术,以及基于颜色,通量以及观察到的测光法和假设的SED之间的拟合一致性的选择,我们发现370个鲁棒的候选光源是相对明亮的高红移光源。第二个样本包含237个对象,着重于高红移的模糊末端。这237个源以前曾接近H-ATLAS检测极限,但现在已被我们的技术确认为高重要性检测。最后,我们通过将370个物体的第一个样本与两个已知的低红移物体的不同目录(redMaPPer银河星团目录和一个具有光谱红移的星系目录)进行互相关来寻找可能的带透镜的Herschel来源(来自斯隆数字天空测量数据)版本14。我们的搜索从SDSS互相关中得出了许多候选透镜系统,但redMaPPeR均未提供这些透镜系统,证实了透镜的银河系可能性更大。



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