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The Herschel/PACS view of the Cep?OB2 region: Global protoplanetary disk evolution and clumpy star formation

机译:Cep?OB2区域的Herschel / PACS视图:全球原行星盘演化和块状恒星形成



Context. The Cep?OB2 region, with its two intermediate-aged clusters Tr?37 and NGC?7160, is a paradigm of sequential star formation and an ideal site for studies of protoplanetary disk evolution. Aims. We use Herschel data to study the protoplanetary disks and the star formation history of the region. Methods. Herschel/PACS observations at 70 and 160?μm probe the disk properties (mass, dust sizes, structure) and the evolutionary state of a large number of young stars. Far-IR data also trace the remnant cloud material and small-scale cloud structure. Results. We detect 95 protoplanetary disks at 70?μm, 41 at 160?μm, and obtain upper limits for more than 130 objects. The detection fraction at 70?μm depends on the spectral type (88% for K4 or earlier stars, 17% for M3 or later stars) and on the disk type (~50% for full and pre-transitional disks, ~35% for transitional disks, no low-excess/depleted disks detected). Non-accreting disks are not detected, suggesting significantly lower masses. Accreting transition and pre-transition disks have systematically higher 70 μm excesses than full disks, suggestive of more massive, flared and/or thicker disks. Herschel data also reveal several mini-clusters in Tr?37, which are small, compact structures containing a few young stars surrounded by nebulosity. Conclusions. Far-IR data are an excellent probe of the evolution of disks that are too faint for sub-millimetre observations. We find a strong link between far-IR emission and accretion, and between the inner and outer disk structure. Herschel confirms the dichotomy between accreting and non-accreting transition disks. Accretion is a powerful measure of global disk evolution: substantial mass depletion and global evolution need to occur to shut down accretion in a protoplanetary disk, even if the disk has inner holes. Disks likely follow different evolutionary paths: low disk masses do not imply opening inner holes, and having inner holes does not require low disk masses. The mini-clusters reveal multi-episodic star formation in Tr?37. The long survival of mini-clusters suggest that they formed from the fragmentation of the same core. Their various morphologies favour different formation/triggering mechanisms acting within the same cluster. The beads-on-a-string structure in one mini-cluster is consistent with gravitational fragmentation or gravitational focusing, acting on very small scales (solar-mass stars in ~0.5 pc filaments). Multi-episodic star formation could also produce evolutionary variations between disks in the same region. Finally, Herschel also unveils what could be the first heavy mass loss episode of the O6.5 star HD?206267 in Tr?37.
机译:上下文。 Cep?OB2区域及其两个中年星团Tr?37和NGC?7160,是连续恒星形成的范例,是研究原行星盘演化的理想场所。目的我们使用Herschel数据研究该地区的原行星盘和恒星形成历史。方法。 Herschel / PACS在70和160?μm处的观测可以探测到圆盘的性质(质量,尘埃大小,结构)以及大量年轻恒星的演化状态。远红外数据还可以追踪残留的云物质和小规模的云结构。结果。我们在70?μm处检测到95个原行星盘,在160?μm处检测到41个,并获得了130多个物体的上限。在70?μm处的检测分数取决于光谱类型(K4或更早的恒星为88%,M3或更晚的恒星为17%)和磁盘类型(完整和过渡前的磁盘为〜50%,对于磁盘为〜35%过渡磁盘,未检测到低量/耗尽的磁盘)。未检测到非吸积盘,表明质量明显降低。逐渐积聚的过渡盘和过渡前盘的系统多余空间要比完整磁盘高70μm,这表明磁盘更大,更张开和/或更厚。 Herschel的数据还揭示了Tr?37中的几个微型团簇,它们是紧凑的小结构,其中包含一些被星云包围的年轻恒星。结论。远红外数据是磁盘演化的极好探针,这些磁盘对于亚毫米的观测来说太微弱了。我们发现远红外辐射与吸积之间以及内外盘结构之间有很强的联系。 Herschel证实了吸积过渡盘与非吸积过渡盘之间的二分法。吸积是衡量全球磁盘演化的有力手段:要关闭原行星盘中的积聚,即使磁盘上有内孔,也需要发生大量的质量消耗和整体演化。磁盘可能遵循不同的演化路径:低磁盘质量并不意味着打开内孔,而具有内孔则不需要低磁盘质量。微型团簇揭示了Tr?37中多星的形成。小型集群的长期生存表明它们是由同一核心的碎片形成的。它们的各种形态有利于在同一簇中起作用的不同形成/触发机制。一个微型集群中的串珠结构与重力碎裂或重力聚焦一致,仅在很小的尺度上起作用(约0.5 pc细丝中的太阳质量恒星)。多周期恒星的形成也可能在同一区域的盘之间产生演化变化。最后,赫歇尔还揭露了Tr?37中O6.5星HD?206267的首例重大质量损失事件。



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