首页> 外文期刊>Applied Microbiology >Effect of Cessation of Ceftiofur and Substitution with Lincomycin-Spectinomycin on Extended-Spectrum-β-Lactamase/AmpC Genes and Multidrug Resistance in Escherichia coli from a Canadian Broiler Production Pyramid

Effect of Cessation of Ceftiofur and Substitution with Lincomycin-Spectinomycin on Extended-Spectrum-β-Lactamase/AmpC Genes and Multidrug Resistance in Escherichia coli from a Canadian Broiler Production Pyramid

机译:终止头孢噻呋并用林可霉素-壮观霉素替代对加拿大肉鸡生产金字塔中大范围β-内酰胺酶/ AmpC基因和多药耐药性的影响



Ceftiofur, a third-generation cephalosporin antimicrobial, was used in Canadian hatcheries for many years to prevent early mortality in chicks, leading to a high prevalence of cephalosporin resistance in Escherichia coli in chickens. Preventive use of ceftiofur in hatcheries ceased in 2014. We examined the effect of ceftiofur cessation (n?=?40 flocks with ceftiofur and n?=?28 flocks without antimicrobial at hatchery) and its replacement with an antimicrobial combination, lincomycin-spectinomycin (n?=?32), at the hatchery on the proportion of samples with E. coli positive for extended-spectrum-β-lactamase (ESBL) and AmpC β-lactamase-related genes, and on the multidrug resistance profiles of ESBL/AmpC-positive E. coli in broilers and their associated breeders (n?=?46 samples), at 1 year postcessation. For indicator E. coli from nonenriched media, a significant decrease postcessation in the proportion of samples harboring E. coli isolates positive for blaCMY-2 and/or blaCTX-M was observed. In contrast, following enrichment in medium containing ceftriaxone (1?mg/liter) to facilitate recovery of ESBL/AmpC β-lactamase-producing E. coli colonies, both pre- and postcessation, 99% of the samples harbored E. coli positive for blaCMY-2 or blaCTX-M. Among the 15 tested antimicrobial agents, flocks receiving lincomycin-spectinomycin after cessation of ceftiofur showed a significantly greater nonsusceptibility to aminoglycosides, folate inhibitors, phenicols, and tetracyclines and a greater proportion of possible extensively drug-resistant E. coli than those receiving ceftiofur or no antimicrobial at hatchery. This study clearly demonstrates an initial decrease in ESBL/AmpC-positive E. coli following the cessation of ceftiofur in the hatchery but an increase in antimicrobial non-β-lactam resistance of ESBL/AmpC-positive E. coli following replacement with lincomycin-spectinomycin.IMPORTANCE Antimicrobial resistance is a global problem. The antimicrobial ceftiofur has been used worldwide for disease prevention in poultry production, resulting in a greatly increased resistance to this antimicrobial important in poultry and human medicine. Our study examined the impact of ceftiofur cessation and its replacement with the antimicrobial combination lincomycin-spectinomycin, a common practice in the industry. Our study demonstrated a decrease in ceftiofur resistance after the cessation of ceftiofur use, although the resistance genes remain ubiquitous in all phases of poultry production, showing that poultry remains a reservoir for ceftiofur resistance and requiring continued vigilance. We also observed a decrease in multidrug resistance involving different antimicrobial classes after cessation of ceftiofur but an increase following use of lincomycin-spectinomycin, indicating that this antimicrobial use should be questioned. Reduced resistance to ceftiofur in poultry may translate to better treatment efficacy, decreased morbidity/mortality, and enhanced food safety for humans.
机译:头孢噻呋是第三代头孢菌素抗菌剂,已在加拿大孵化场使用多年,以防止雏鸡早期死亡,从而导致鸡头孢菌素耐药性在鸡中普遍存在。 2014年停止在孵化场中预防性使用头孢噻呋。我们研究了终止头孢噻呋的效果(n = 40头孢噻呋的鸡群和n = 28且无抗菌剂的鸡群),并用抗菌素林可霉素-壮观霉素( n?=?32),在孵化场中,对于大光谱β-内酰胺酶(ESBL)和AmpCβ-内酰胺酶相关基因呈阳性的大肠杆菌样本比例,以及ESBL / AmpC的多药耐药性肉仔鸡及其相关育种家中的大肠杆菌呈阳性反应(n == 46个样本),在停药后1年。对于来自未富集培养基的指示性大肠杆菌,观察到带有blaCMY-2和/或blaCTX-M阳性大肠杆菌分离株的样品比例中的后进代明显减少。相反,在进动前和后,富集含有头孢曲松(1?mg /升)的培养基以促进恢复产生ESBL / AmpCβ-内酰胺酶的大肠杆菌菌落后,有99%的样品中大肠杆菌呈阳性。 blaCMY-2或blaCTX-M。在15种经过测试的抗菌剂中,与接受头孢噻呋或不接受头孢噻呋的动物相比,接受头孢噻呋停止治疗后接受林可霉素-壮观霉素的鸡群对氨基糖苷类,叶酸抑制剂,酚类和四环素类药物的不敏感性明显更高,并且可能具有广泛耐药性的大肠杆菌比例更高孵化场的抗菌剂。该研究清楚地表明,在孵化场中停止使用头孢噻呋后,ESBL / AmpC阳性大肠杆菌初步减少,但是在替换为林可霉素-壮观霉素后,ESBL / AmpC阳性大肠杆菌的抗菌非β-内酰胺耐药性增加重要提示抗菌素耐药性是一个全球性的问题。头孢噻呋类抗菌素已在世界范围内用于家禽生产中的疾病预防,从而大大增强了对这种在家禽和人类医学中很重要的抗菌剂的耐药性。我们的研究检查了头孢噻呋停药及其被抗菌素林可霉素-大观霉素替代的替代品的影响,这在业内是一种常见的做法。我们的研究表明,停止使用头孢噻呋后,头孢噻呋耐药性下降,尽管在家禽生产的所有阶段抗性基因仍然普遍存在,表明家禽仍然是头孢噻呋耐药性的储存库,需要继续保持警惕。我们还观察到,在停止使用头孢噻呋后,涉及不同抗菌药物类别的多药耐药性下降,但在使用林可霉素-壮观霉素后上升,这表明这种抗菌药物的使用应受到质疑。家禽对头孢噻呋的抗药性降低可能会转化为更好的治疗效果,降低发病率/死亡率,并提高人类的食品安全性。



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