首页> 外文期刊>Applied Microbiology >Salmonella enterica in Swine Production: Assessing the Association between Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism and Epidemiological Units of Concern

Salmonella enterica in Swine Production: Assessing the Association between Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism and Epidemiological Units of Concern




The aims of this study were to determine the ability of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) to differentiate Salmonella isolates from different units of swine production and to demonstrate the relatedness of Salmonella between farms and abattoirs by AFLP. Twenty-four farms in the midwestern United States were visited four times from 2006 to 2009. At each farm or abattoir visit, 30 fecal samples or 30 mesenteric lymph nodes were collected, respectively. A total of 220 Salmonella isolates were obtained, serotyped, and genotyped by multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and AFLP. These 220 isolates clustered into 21 serotypes, 18 MLST types, and 14 predominant AFLP clusters based on a genetic similarity threshold level of 60%. To assess genetic differentiation between farms, harvest cohorts, and pigs, analysis of molecular variance was conducted using AFLP data. The results showed 65.62% of overall genetic variation was attributed to variance among pigs, 27.21% to farms, and 7.17% to harvest cohorts. Variance components at the farm ( P = 0.003) and pig ( P = 0.001) levels were significant, but not at the harvest cohort level ( P = 0.079). A second analysis, a permutation test using AFLP data, indicated that on-farm and at-abattoir Salmonella from pigs of the same farms were more related than from different farms. Therefore, among the three subtyping methods, serotyping, MLST, and AFLP, AFLP was the method that was able to differentiate among Salmonella isolates from different farms and link contamination at the abattoir to the farm of origin.
机译:这项研究的目的是确定扩增片段长度多态性(AFLP)区分猪不同单位生产的沙门氏菌的能力,并通过AFLP证明农场和屠宰场之间沙门氏菌的相关性。从2006年到2009年,美国中西部的24个农场进行了四次访问。每次访问农场或屠宰场,分别收集了30个粪便样本或30个肠系膜淋巴结。通过多基因座序列分型(MLST)和AFLP获得了总共220种沙门氏菌分离株,进行了血清分型和基因分型。基于60%的遗传相似性阈值水平,这220个分离株聚集成21种血清型,18种MLST类型和14种主要的AFLP簇。为了评估农场,收割队列和猪之间的遗传分化,使用AFLP数据进行了分子变异分析。结果表明,总体遗传变异的65.62%归因于猪之间的差异,27.21%归因于农场,而7.17%归因于收获队列。农场(P = 0.003)和猪(P = 0.001)水平的差异分量很明显,但在收获队列水平(P = 0.079)则不明显。第二项分析是使用AFLP数据进行的排列检验,表明来自同一农场的猪的农场和屠宰场沙门氏菌与来自不同农场的猪的沙门氏菌相关性更高。因此,在血清学分型,MLST和AFLP这三种分型方法中,AFLP是一种能够区分来自不同农场的沙门氏菌分离株并将屠宰场的污染与原产农场联系起来的方法。



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