首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Gammaproteobacterial Methanotrophs Dominate Cold Methane Seeps in Floodplains of West Siberian Rivers

Gammaproteobacterial Methanotrophs Dominate Cold Methane Seeps in Floodplains of West Siberian Rivers




A complex system of muddy fluid-discharging and methane (CH4)-releasing seeps was discovered in a valley of the river Mukhrinskaya, one of the small rivers of the Irtysh Basin, West Siberia. CH4 flux from most (90%) of these gas ebullition sites did not exceed 1.45 g CH4 h?1, while some seeps emitted up to 5.54 g CH4 h?1. The δ13C value of methane released from these seeps varied between ?71.1 and ?71.3‰, suggesting its biogenic origin. Although the seeps were characterized by low in situ temperatures (3.5 to 5°C), relatively high rates of methane oxidation (15.5 to 15.9 nmol CH4 ml?1 day?1) were measured in mud samples. Fluorescence in situ hybridization detected 107 methanotrophic bacteria (MB) per g of mud (dry weight), which accounted for up to 20.5% of total bacterial cell counts. Most (95.8 to 99.3%) methanotroph cells were type I (gammaproteobacterial) MB. The diversity of methanotrophs in this habitat was further assessed by pyrosequencing of pmoA genes, encoding particulate methane monooxygenase. A total of 53,828 pmoA gene sequences of seep-inhabiting methanotrophs were retrieved and analyzed. Nearly all of these sequences affiliated with type I MB, including the Methylobacter-Methylovulum-Methylosoma group, lake cluster 2, and several as-yet-uncharacterized methanotroph clades. Apparently, microbial communities attenuating methane fluxes from these local but strong CH4 sources in floodplains of high-latitude rivers have a large proportion of potentially novel, psychrotolerant methanotrophs, thereby providing a challenge for future isolation studies.
机译:在西西伯利亚额尔齐斯盆地的小河之一的Mukhrinskaya河的山谷中发现了一个复杂的浑浊的流体排放和甲烷(CH4)释放系统。来自这些气体沸腾场所的大部分(90%)的CH4通量不超过1.45 g CH4 h?1,而一些渗出物释放的气体高达5.54 g CH4 h?1。从这些渗出物中释放出的甲烷的δ13C值在?71.1和?71.3‰之间变化,表明其成因。尽管渗漏的特征在于低的原位温度(3.5至5℃),但在泥浆样品中测得的甲烷氧化速率相对较高(15.5至15.9 nmol CH4 ml?1天?1)。荧光原位杂交检测到每克泥浆(干重)有107个甲烷营养细菌(MB),占细菌总数的20.5%。大部分(95.8%至99.3%)的甲烷营养细胞是I型(gammaproteobacterial)MB。通过编码颗粒甲烷单加氧酶的pmoA基因的焦磷酸测序进一步评估了该栖息地中甲烷营养菌的多样性。共有53,828个pmoA基因序列存在于居住在甲烷中的嗜甲烷菌。几乎所有这些序列都与I MB类型相关,包括甲基细菌-甲基卵菌-甲基渗透瘤组,湖泊簇2和一些尚未表征的甲烷营养型进化枝。显然,在高纬度河泛滥平原中,这些本地但很强的CH4源中的甲烷流量减弱的微生物群落,具有很大比例的潜在新颖的,具有抗精神病能力的甲烷营养生物,从而为今后的隔离研究提出了挑战。



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