首页> 外文期刊>Applied Microbiology >Microbial Contamination on Disposable Hypodermic Syringes Prior to Sterilization by Ionizing Radiation

Microbial Contamination on Disposable Hypodermic Syringes Prior to Sterilization by Ionizing Radiation




A large number of syringes were taken from the production lines of three independent manufacturers; the numbers and types of microorganisms contaminating these randomly sampled syringes were assessed in the laboratories maintained by each of these manufacturers for routine sterility testing, according to a standard protocol devised by the Research Committee of the UK Panel on Gamma and Electron Irradiation, which coordinated the investigation and analyzed the results. Items produced by a manufacturer were assessed for microbiological contamination both in their own laboratories and in the laboratories of the other manufacturers. The level of “false-positive” results was determined independently for each laboratory by the testing of “known sterile” items which had been subjected to the radiation-sterilization process. Both the percentage of syringes initially sterile and the average number of organisms per contaminated syringe differed among the three manufacturers. When corrected for interlaboratory differences, the number of syringes initially sterile ranged from 16 to 48%, and the mean number of organisms per contaminated syringe was 20 to 70. Of 964 syringes tested by all three laboratories, only one contained over 1,000 aerobic organisms (1,133). The most common organisms found were coagulase-negative, gram-positive cocci. Two manufacturers assessed contamination by anaerobic organisms; of 610 syringes, 1 contained 4,275 organisms and 3 more had 100 to 1,000 organisms, but 488 (80%) were uncontaminated by anaerobes. The results are discussed in the context of the choice of radiation dose necessary for the sterilization of medical products manufactured under controlled hygienic conditions.
机译:大量的注射器是从三个独立制造商的生产线中提取的。根据由英国伽马和电子辐照研究小组研究委员会制定的标准协议,在由这些制造商各自维护的实验室中评估污染这些随机采样注射器的微生物的数量和类型,以进行常规无菌测试。调查并分析结果。制造商生产的物品在其自己的实验室和其他制造商的实验室中均进行了微生物污染评估。对于每个实验室,“假阳性”结果的水平是通过测试经过辐射灭菌处理的“已知无菌”物品独立确定的。在三个制造商之间,最初无菌的注射器百分比和每个受污染的注射器的平均生物数量都不同。校正实验室间差异后,最初无菌的注射器数量为16%至48%,每个受污染注射器的平均生物数量为20至70个。在所有三个实验室测试的964个注射器中,只有一个包含1000多种需氧生物( 1,133)。发现的最常见的生物是凝固酶阴性,革兰氏阳性球菌。两家制造商评估了厌氧生物的污染;在610个注射器中,有1个包含4,275个生物体,还有3个具有100至1,000个生物体,但是488个(80%)未被厌氧菌污染。在选择在受控卫生条件下制造的医疗产品进行灭菌所必需的辐射剂量的背景下讨论了结果。



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