首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Unprecedented Melioidosis Cases in Northern Australia Caused by an Asian Burkholderia pseudomallei Strain Identified by Using Large-Scale Comparative Genomics

Unprecedented Melioidosis Cases in Northern Australia Caused by an Asian Burkholderia pseudomallei Strain Identified by Using Large-Scale Comparative Genomics

机译:使用大规模比较基因组学鉴定的亚洲Burkholderia pseudomallei菌株引起的澳大利亚北部前所未有的类蜜蜂样病病例



Melioidosis is a disease of humans and animals that is caused by the saprophytic bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei. Once thought to be confined to certain locations, the known presence of B. pseudomallei is expanding as more regions of endemicity are uncovered. There is no vaccine for melioidosis, and even with antibiotic administration, the mortality rate is as high as 40% in some regions that are endemic for the infection. Despite high levels of recombination, phylogenetic reconstruction of B. pseudomallei populations using whole-genome sequencing (WGS) has revealed surprisingly robust biogeographic separation between isolates from Australia and Asia. To date, there have been no confirmed autochthonous melioidosis cases in Australia caused by an Asian isolate; likewise, no autochthonous cases in Asia have been identified as Australian in origin. Here, we used comparative genomic analysis of 455 B. pseudomallei genomes to confirm the unprecedented presence of an Asian clone, sequence type 562 (ST-562), in Darwin, northern Australia. First observed in Darwin in 2005, the incidence of melioidosis cases attributable to ST-562 infection has steadily risen, and it is now a common strain in Darwin. Intriguingly, the Australian ST-562 appears to be geographically restricted to a single locale and is genetically less diverse than other common STs from this region, indicating a recent introduction of this clone into northern Australia. Detailed genomic and epidemiological investigations of new clinical and environmental B. pseudomallei isolates in the Darwin region and ST-562 isolates from Asia will be critical for understanding the origin, distribution, and dissemination of this emerging clone in northern Australia.
机译:类胡osis病是由腐生细菌假苹果伯克霍尔德氏菌引起的人类和动物疾病。一旦被认为仅限于某些位置,随着发现更多的地方病地区,假芽孢杆菌的已知存在正在扩大。目前尚无用于预防类弧菌病的疫苗,即使使用抗生素,在某些地方性感染地区,其死亡率仍高达40%。尽管重组水平很高,但使用全基因组测序(WGS)对拟假芽孢杆菌种群进行的系统发育重建显示,澳大利亚和亚洲分离株之间的生物地理学分离令人吃惊。迄今为止,在澳大利亚还没有确诊的亚洲分离株引起的本地人弓形虫病病例。同样,在亚洲没有任何本地病例是起源于澳大利亚的。在这里,我们使用了455个拟假芽孢杆菌基因组的比较基因组分析,以证实在澳大利亚北部达尔文市出现的亚洲克隆,序列类型562(ST-562)前所未有地存在。 2005年首次在达尔文观察到的可归因于ST-562感染的类鼻疮病例的发病率稳步上升,现在已成为达尔文的常见菌株。有趣的是,澳大利亚ST-562似乎在地理上仅限于单个地点,并且遗传上比该地区的其他常见ST多样性低,这表明该克隆最近已引入澳大利亚北部。对达尔文地区新的临床和环境假单胞菌分离株和来自亚洲的ST-562分离株进行详细的基因组学和流行病学调查,对于了解该新兴克隆在澳大利亚北部的起源,分布和传播至关重要。


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