首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Occurrence and Persistence of Bacterial Pathogens and Indicator Organisms in Beach Sand along the California Coast

Occurrence and Persistence of Bacterial Pathogens and Indicator Organisms in Beach Sand along the California Coast




This report documents the presence of fecal indicators and bacterial pathogens in sand at 53 California marine beaches using both culture-dependent and -independent (PCR and quantitative PCR [QPCR]) methods. Fecal indicator bacteria were widespread in California beach sand, with Escherichia coli and enterococci detected at 68% and 94% of the beaches surveyed, respectively. Somatic coliphages and a Bacteroidales human-specific fecal marker were detected at 43% and 13% of the beaches, respectively. Dry sand samples from almost 30% of the beaches contained at least one of the following pathogens: Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp., Staphylococcus aureus, and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which were detected at 15%, 13%, 14%, and 3% of tested beaches, respectively. Fecal indicators and pathogens were poorly correlated to one another and to land cover. Sands were dry at the time of collection, and those with relatively high moisture tended to have higher concentrations or a more frequent occurrence of both indicators and pathogens. Using culture-dependent assays, fecal indicators decayed faster than pathogens in microcosm experiments using unaltered beach sand seeded with sewage and assessed by culture-dependent assays. The following order of persistence was observed (listed from most to least persistent): Campylobacter > Salmonella > somatic coliphages > enterococci > E. coli > F+ phages. In contrast, pathogens decayed faster than fecal indicators in culture-independent assays: enterococci > Bacteroidales human-specific marker > Salmonella > Campylobacter. Microcosm experiments demonstrated that both indicators and pathogens were mobilized by wetting with seawater. Decay rates measured by QPCR were lower than those measured with culture-dependent methods. Enterococcal persistence and possible growth were observed for wetted microcosms relative to unwetted controls.
机译:本报告使用培养依赖性和非依赖性(PCR和定量PCR [QPCR])方法记录了53个加利福尼亚海洋海滩沙子中粪便指示剂和细菌病原体的存在。粪便指示菌广泛分布在加利福尼亚州的沙滩中,大肠杆菌和肠球菌分别占所调查海滩的68%和94%。在海滩的43%和13%的海滩上分别检测到了体细胞噬菌体和细菌类人粪便标记物。在近30%的海滩上,干沙样品至少包含以下病原体之一:沙门氏菌,弯曲杆菌,金黄色葡萄球菌和耐甲氧西林的金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA),检出率为15%,13 %,14 %和3 %的经过测试的海滩。粪便指标和病原体彼此之间以及与土地覆盖之间的相关性很差。收集时沙粒是干燥的,水分较高的沙粒往往具有较高的浓度或指示剂和病原体的发生率更高。使用文化依赖性测定法,在微观实验中,粪便指示剂的腐烂速度比病原体快,病原体使用未播种的污水撒播并通过文化依赖性测定法评估的微观沙滩实验中。观察到以下持久性顺序(从最持久到最不持久):弯曲杆菌>沙门氏菌>体细胞噬菌体>肠球菌>大肠杆菌> F +噬菌体。相比之下,在与培养无关的测定中,病原体的腐烂速度比粪便指示物快:肠球菌>拟杆菌属人类特异性标记>沙门氏菌>弯曲杆菌。微观实验表明,用海水润湿可以动员指标和病原体。通过QPCR测得的衰变率低于使用培养依赖性方法测得的衰变率。相对于未润湿的对照,观察到了湿的微观肠球菌的持久性和可能的​​生长。



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