首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Selection of Fecal Enterococci Exhibiting tcrB-Mediated Copper Resistance in Pigs Fed Diets Supplemented with Copper

Selection of Fecal Enterococci Exhibiting tcrB-Mediated Copper Resistance in Pigs Fed Diets Supplemented with Copper




Copper, as copper sulfate, is increasingly used as an alternative to in-feed antibiotics for growth promotion in weaned piglets. Acquired copper resistance, conferred by a plasmid-borne, transferable copper resistance (tcrB) gene, has been reported in Enterococcus faecium and E. faecalis. A longitudinal field study was undertaken to determine the relationship between copper supplementation and the prevalence of tcrB-positive enterococci in piglets. The study was done with weaned piglets, housed in 10 pens with 6 piglets per pen, fed diets supplemented with a normal (16.5 ppm; control) or an elevated (125 ppm) level of copper. Fecal samples were randomly collected from three piglets per pen on days 0, 14, 28, and 42 and plated on M-Enterococcus agar, and three enterococcal isolates were obtained from each sample. The overall prevalence of tcrB-positive enterococci was 21.1% (38/180) in piglets fed elevated copper and 2.8% (5/180) in the control. Among the 43 tcrB-positive isolates, 35 were E. faecium and 8 were E. faecalis. The mean MICs of copper for tcrB-negative and tcrB-positive enterococci were 6.2 and 22.2 mM, respectively. The restriction digestion of the genomic DNA of E. faecium or E. faecalis with S1 nuclease yielded a band of ~194-kbp size to which both tcrB and the erm(B) gene probes hybridized. A conjugation assay demonstrated cotransfer of tcrB and erm(B) genes between E. faecium and E. faecalis strains. The higher prevalence of tcrB-positive enterococci in piglets fed elevated copper compared to that in piglets fed normal copper suggests that supplementation of copper in swine diets selected for resistance.
机译:铜,作为硫酸铜,越来越多地用作饲料中抗生素的替代品,以促进断奶仔猪的生长。粪肠球菌和粪肠球菌中已报道了由质粒携带的可转移铜抗性(tcrB)基因赋予的获得性铜抗性。进行了纵向野外研究,以确定补充铜与仔猪中tcrB阳性肠球菌患病率之间的关系。这项研究是用断奶仔猪完成的,将其饲养在10只圈舍中,每只仔猪6只仔猪,饲喂日粮补充正常(16.5 ppm;对照)或升高水平(125 ppm)的铜。在第0、14、28和42天从每只猪的三只小猪中随机收集粪便样品,并将其接种在M-肠球菌琼脂上,并从每个样品中获得三个肠球菌分离株。在饲喂高铜的仔猪中,tcrB阳性肠球菌的总体患病率为21.1%(38/180),在对照组中为2.8%(5/180)。在43株tcrB阳性分离株中,有35株为粪肠球菌,有8株为粪肠球菌。 tcrB阴性和tcrB阳性肠球菌的铜的平均MIC分别为6.2和22.2 mM。用S1核酸酶对屎肠球菌或屎肠球菌的基因组DNA进行限制性酶切,产生了一条194kbp大小的条带,与tcrB和erm(B)基因探针杂交。缀合分析表明,tcrB和erm(B)基因在粪肠球菌和粪肠球菌菌株之间共转移。与饲喂正常铜的仔猪相比,饲喂高铜的仔猪中tcrB阳性肠球菌的患病率更高,这表明在为抵抗力选择的猪日粮中补充了铜。



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