首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Accurate Estimation of Viral Abundance by Epifluorescence Microscopy

Accurate Estimation of Viral Abundance by Epifluorescence Microscopy




Virus enumeration by epifluorescence microscopy (EFM) is routinely done on preserved, refrigerated samples. Concerns about obtaining accurate and reproducible estimates led us to examine procedures for counting viruses by EFM. Our results indicate that aldehyde fixation results in rapid decreases in viral abundance. By 1 h postfixation, the abundance dropped by 16.4% ± 5.2% (n = 6), and by 4 h, the abundance was 20 to 35% lower. The average loss rates for glutaraldehyde- and formaldehyde-fixed samples over the first 2 h were 0.12 and 0.13 h?1, respectively. By 16 days, viral abundance had decreased by 72% (standard deviation, 6%; n = 6). Aldehyde fixation of samples followed by storage at 4°C, for even a few hours, resulted in large underestimates of viral abundance. The viral loss rates were not constant, and in glutaraldehyde- and formaldehyde-fixed samples they decreased from 0.13 and 0.17 h?1 during the first hour to 0.01 h?1 between 24 and 48 h. Although decay rates changed over time, the abundance was predicted by using separate models to describe decay over the first 8 h and decay beyond 8 h. Accurate estimates of abundance were easily made with unfixed samples stained with Yo-Pro-1, SYBR Green I, or SYBR Gold, and slides could be stored at ?20°C for at least 2 weeks or, for Yo-Pro-1, at least 1 year. If essential, samples can be fixed and flash frozen in liquid nitrogen upon collection and stored at ?86°C. Determinations performed with fixed samples result in large underestimates of abundance unless slides are made immediately or samples are flash frozen. If protocols outlined in this paper are followed, EFM yields accurate estimates of viral abundance.
机译:通常通过保鲜冷藏样品通过落射荧光显微镜(EFM)进行病毒计数。由于担心获得准确且可重复的估计值,因此我们检查了通过EFM进行病毒计数的程序。我们的结果表明,醛固定会导致病毒丰度快速下降。固定后1 h,丰度降低了16.4%±5.2%(n = 6),而到4 h时,丰度降低了20%至35%。在最初的2小时内,戊二醛和甲醛固定样品的平均损失率分别为0.12和0.13 h?1。到16天时,病毒丰度降低了72%(标准偏差为6%; n = 6)。将样品固定在醛上,然后在4°C下保存甚至几个小时,会大大低估病毒的丰度。病毒损失率不是恒定的,在戊二醛和甲醛固定的样品中,它们在最初的1小时内从0.13和0.17 h?1降低到24至48 h之间的0.01 h?1。尽管衰减率随时间变化,但可以通过使用单独的模型来描述前8小时的衰减和超过8小时的衰减来预测丰度。对于用Yo-Pro-1,SYBR Green I或SYBR Gold染色的未固定样品,可以轻松轻松地准确估算丰度,并且可以将玻片在20°C下保存至少2周,或者,对于Yo-Pro-1,至少一年。如果必要,可以将样品固定并在收集时在液氮中速冻,并保存在约86°C下。除非立即制作载玻片或将样品快速冷冻,否则对固定样品进行的测定会大大低估丰度。如果遵循本文概述的协议,EFM可以准确估算出病毒的丰度。



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