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Group-Specific 16S rRNA-Targeted Oligonucleotide Probes To Identify Thermophilic Bacteria in Marine Hydrothermal Vents.

机译:特定于组的16S rRNA靶向寡核苷酸探针,用于鉴定海洋热液喷口中的嗜热细菌。



Four 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes were designed for the detection of thermophilic members of the domain Bacteria known to thrive in marine hydrothermal systems. We developed and characterized probes encompassing most of the thermophilic members of the genus Bacillus, most species of the genus Thermus, the genera Thermotoga and Thermosipho, and the Aquificales order. The temperature of dissociation of each probe was determined. Probe specificities to the target groups were demonstrated by whole-cell and dot blot hybridization against a collection of target and nontarget rRNAs. Whole-cell hybridizations with the specific probes were performed on cells extracted from hydrothermal vent chimneys. One of the samples contained cells that hybridized to the probe specific to genera Thermotoga and Thermosipho. No positive signals could be detected in the samples tested with the probes whose specificities encompassed either the genus Thermus or the thermophilic members of the genus Bacillus. However, when simultaneous hybridizations with the probe specific to the order Aquificales and a probe specific to the domain Bacteria (R. I. Amann, B. Binder, R. J. Olson, S. W. Chisholm, R. Devereux, and D. A. Stahl, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 56:1919-1925, 1990) were performed on cells extracted from the top and exterior subsamples of chimneys, positive signals were obtained from morphologically diverse bacteria representing about 40% of the bacterial population. Since specificity studies also revealed that the bacterial probe did not hybridize with the members of the order Aquificales, the detected cells may therefore correspond to a new type of bacteria. One of the observed morphotypes was similar to that of a strictly anaerobic autotrophic sulfur-reducing strain that we isolated from the chimney samples. This work demonstrates that application of whole-cell hybridization with probes specific for different phylogenetic levels is a useful tool for detailed studies of hydrothermal vent microbial ecology.
机译:设计了四种靶向16S rRNA的寡核苷酸探针,用于检测已知在海洋热液系统中壮成长的细菌域的嗜热成员。我们开发并鉴定了涵盖芽孢杆菌属的大多数嗜热成员,Thermus属的大多数物种,Thermatoga和Thermasipho属以及Aquificales的探针。确定每个探针的解离温度。通过针对一系列靶标和非靶标rRNA的全细胞和斑点印迹杂交证明了对靶标组的探针特异性。与特定探针的全细胞杂交是在从水热通风烟囱中提取的细胞上进行的。其中一个样品包含与特异于Thermotoga和Thermosipho的探针杂交的细胞。在用特异性包括Thermus属或芽孢杆菌属嗜热成员的探针测试的样品中未检测到阳性信号。然而,当与特定于Aquificales的探针和特定于细菌域的探针同时杂交时(RI Amann,B。Binder,RJ Olson,SW Chisholm,R。Devereux和DA Stahl,Appl。Environ。Microbiol。56 :(1919-1925,1990)对从烟囱的顶部和外部子样品中提取的细胞进行了检测,从形态多样的细菌中获得了阳性信号,所述细菌约占细菌种群的40%。由于特异性研究还显示细菌探针未与Aquificales成员杂交,因此检测到的细胞可能对应于新型细菌。观察到的一种形态类型与我们从烟囱样品中分离出的严格厌氧自养性硫还原菌株相似。这项工作表明,将全细胞杂交与对不同系统发生水平特异的探针一起应用是对热液喷口微生物生态学进行详细研究的有用工具。



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