首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Improved Aerobic Colony Count Technique for Hydrophobic Grid Membrane Filters

Improved Aerobic Colony Count Technique for Hydrophobic Grid Membrane Filters




The AOAC International official action procedure for performing aerobic colony counts on hydrophobic grid membrane filters (HGMFs) uses Trypticase soy-fast green FCF agar (FGA) incubated for 48 h. Microbial growths are various shades of green on a pale green background, which can cause problems for automated as well as manual counting. HGMFs which had been incubated 24 or 48 h at 35°C on Trypticase soy agar were flooded underneath with 1 to 2 ml of 0.1% triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) solution by simply lifting one corner of the filter while it was still on the agar and adding the reagent. Microbial growths on HGMFs were counted after color had been allowed to develop for 15 min at room temperature. With representative foods, virtually all colonies stained pink to red. Automated electronic counts made by using the MI-100 HGMF Interpreter were easier and more reliable than control HGMF counts made by the AOAC International official action procedure. Manual counting was easier as well because of increased visibility of the microbial growths. Except in the case of dairy products, 24-h TTC counts did not differ significantly from 48-h FGA counts, whereas the FGA counts at 24 h were always significantly lower, indicating that for many food products the HGMF TTC flooding method permits aerobic colony counts to be made after 24 h.
机译:AOAC国际官方行动程序在疏水性网格膜滤器(HGMF)上进行需氧菌落计数,使用胰酶水解大豆黄绿色FCF琼脂(FGA)孵育48小时。微生物生长是浅绿色背景上的各种绿色阴影,可能导致自动计数和手动计数出现问题。在35°C的胰蛋白酶解脱酶琼脂上孵育24或48 h的HGMF,只需将过滤器仍留在琼脂上的一个角提起,即可在其下方注入1-2 ml的0.1%氯化三苯四唑(TTC)溶液。添加试剂。在室温下将颜色显影15分钟后,对HGMF上的微生物生长进行计数。使用有代表性的食物,几乎所有菌落都染成粉红色到红色。与通过AOAC国际官方行动程序进行的HGMF计数控制相比,使用MI-100 HGMF解释器进行的自动电子计数计数更容易且更可靠。由于增加了微生物生长的可见性,因此手动计数也更加容易。除了乳制品,24小时的TTC计数与48小时的FGA计数没有显着差异,而24小时的FGA计数始终显着较低,这表明对于许多食品,HGMF TTC淹没法允许有氧菌落24小时后计数。



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