首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Phenotypic and phylogenetic analyses show Microcoleus chthonoplastes to be a cosmopolitan cyanobacterium.

Phenotypic and phylogenetic analyses show Microcoleus chthonoplastes to be a cosmopolitan cyanobacterium.




We used micromanipulation to isolate from their environment representative samples of seven geographically distant field populations fitting the description of Microcoleus chthonoplastes (a cyanobacterium) and obtained seven corresponding cultured strains. Samples of both field populations and cultures were phenotypically characterized by microscale techniques, and their partial 16S rRNA gene sequences were compared by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and in some cases by sequencing. All field populations and strains were phenotypically extremely coherent, and their 16S rRNA sequences were indistinguishable by DGGE. The sequences determined were identical or virtually identical. Thus, M. chthonoplastes represents a single, well-delimited taxon with a truly cosmopolitan distribution. Comparison with three culture collection strains originally assigned to M. chthonoplastes revealed that strain PCC 7420 belongs to the same tightly delimited group, both phenotypically and in 16S rRNA gene sequence, but that strains SAG 3192 and 10mfx do not.
机译:我们使用显微操作从其环境代表性样品中分离了七个地理上相距遥远的野外种群的样本,这些种群符合微型拟南芥(蓝藻)的描述,并获得了七个相应的培养菌株。通过微尺度技术对田间种群和培养物的样本进行表型表征,并通过变性梯度凝胶电泳和某些情况下的测序比较了它们的部分16S rRNA基因序列。所有田间种群和菌株在表型上都非常一致,它们的16S rRNA序列与DGGE不能区分。确定的序列是相同的或实际上是相同的。因此,M。chnonoplastes代表了一个单一的,界限分明的分类单元,具有真正的世界性分布。与最初分配给棘孢梭菌的三种培养物收集菌株进行比较后发现,PCC 7420菌株在表型和16S rRNA基因序列上均属于同一紧密分隔的组,但SAG 3192和10mfx菌株不属于该组。



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