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Virus decay and its causes in coastal waters.




Recent evidence suggests that viruses play an influential role within the marine microbial food web. To understand this role, it is important to determine rates and mechanisms of virus removal and degradation. We used plaque assays to examine the decay of infectivity in lab-grown viruses seeded into natural seawater. The rates of loss of infectivity of native viruses from Santa Monica Bay and of nonnative viruses from the North Sea in the coastal seawater of Santa Monica Bay were determined. Viruses were seeded into fresh seawater that had been pretreated in various ways: filtration with a 0.2-(mu)m-pore-size filter to remove organisms, heat to denature enzymes, and dissolved organic matter enrichment to reconstitute enzyme activity. Seawater samples were then incubated in full sunlight, in the dark, or under glass to allow partitioning of causative agents of virus decay. Solar radiation always resulted in increased rates of loss of virus infectivity. Virus isolates which are native to Santa Monica Bay consistently degraded more slowly in full sunlight in untreated seawater (decay ranged from 4.1 to 7.2% h(sup-1)) than nonnative marine bacteriophages which were isolated from the North Sea (decay ranged from 6.6 to 11.1% h(sup-1)). All phages demonstrated susceptibility to degradation by heat-labile substances, as heat treatment reduced the decay rates to about 0.5 to 2.0% h(sup-1) in the dark. Filtration reduced decay rates by various amounts, averaging 20%. Heat-labile, high-molecular-weight dissolved material (>30 kDa, probably enzymes) appeared responsible for about 1/5 of the maximal decay. Solar radiation was responsible for about 1/3 to 2/3 of the maximal decay of nonnative viruses and about 1/4 to 1/3 of that of the native viruses, suggesting evolutionary adaptation to local light levels. Our results suggest that sunlight is an important contributing factor to virus decay but also point to the significance of particles and dissolved substances in seawater.
机译:最近的证据表明,病毒在海洋微生物食物网中起着重要作用。要了解此作用,重要的是确定病毒清除和降解的速率和机制。我们使用噬菌斑检测来检查接种到天然海水中的实验室生长病毒的传染性衰减。确定了圣莫尼卡湾沿岸海水中圣塔莫尼卡湾的天然病毒和北海非本地病毒的感染力丧失率。将病毒播种到经过各种方式预处理的新鲜海水中:用0.2μm孔径的过滤器过滤以除去生物,加热以使酶变性,并通过溶解有机物富集来恢复酶的活性。然后将海水样品在充满阳光的环境中,在黑暗中或在玻璃下孵育,以分隔病毒衰减的病原体。太阳辐射总是导致病毒感染力丧失的速度增加。与从北海分离的非本地海洋噬菌体(从6.6下降到6.6)相比,圣莫尼卡湾本地的病毒分离株在未经阳光照射的海水中(在衰减范围为4.1至7.2%h(sup-1))在阳光充足的情况下始终降解得更慢。至11.1%h(sup-1))。所有噬菌体均表现出对不耐热物质降解的敏感性,因为在黑暗中,热处理将衰变速率降低至约0.5至2.0%h(sup-1)。过滤可将各种衰减率平均降低20%。热不稳定的高分子量溶解物质(> 30 kDa,可能是酶)似乎是最大衰变的约1/5。太阳辐射约占非原生病毒最大衰变的1/3至2/3,约占天然病毒最大衰变的1/4至1/3,这表明进化适应了局部光照水平。我们的结果表明,阳光是导致病毒衰减的重要因素,但也指出了海水中颗粒和溶解物质的重要性。



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