首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Purification and Characterization of Alkaline Xylanases from Bacillus polymyxa

Purification and Characterization of Alkaline Xylanases from Bacillus polymyxa




By applying different classical and fast protein liquid chromatographic techniques, three xylanases (β-1,4-d-xylan xylanhydrolase) were purified to homogeneity from the extracellular enzymatic complex of Bacillus polymyxa. The three enzymes (X34C, X34E, and X22) were small proteins of 34, 34, and 22 kDa and basic pIs 9.3, >9.3, and 9.0, respectively. X34C and X34E are closely related and seem to be isoforms of the same enzyme. However, they differ in some characteristics. The three enzymes had different pH and temperature optima. One of them, X34E, showed a high thermal stability. The Vmax values determined for X34C, X34E, and X22 enzymes on oat spelts xylan were 14.9, 85.5, and 64.0 U mg-1, respectively, and 16.1, 62.0, and 150.6 U mg-1 on birchwood xylan. When oat spelts xylan was the substrate used, Km values of 3.4, 2.4, and 1.9 mg ml-1 were obtained for X34C, X34E, and X22 enzymes, respectively, and 0.65, 6.3, and 0.32 mg ml-1 were the respective Km values determined with birchwood xylan as the substrate. The enzymes were nondebranching endo-β-xylanases. Xylose was one of the products of xylan hydrolysis by xylanases X34C and X34E, but this monosaccharide was not released by X22 enzyme. However, neither of the enzymes was able to degrade xylobiose.
机译:通过应用不同的经典和快速蛋白质液相色谱技术,从多粘芽孢杆菌的细胞外酶复合物中将三种木聚糖酶(β-1,4-d-木聚糖木聚糖水解酶)纯化至均一。这三种酶(X34C,X34E和X22)是大小分别为34、34和22 kDa的小蛋白,基本pI分别为9.3,> 9.3和9.0。 X34C和X34E密切相关,似乎是同一酶的同工型。但是,它们在某些特征上有所不同。三种酶的最适pH和最适温度不同。其中之一X34E具有很高的热稳定性。燕麦球茎木聚糖上X34C,X34E和X22酶的Vmax值分别为14.9、85.5和64.0 U mg-1,桦木木聚糖上的Vmax值为16.1、62.0和150.6 U mg-1。当使用燕麦拼花木聚糖作为底物时,X34C,X34E和X22酶的Km值分别为3.4、2.4和1.9 mg ml-1,而Km值分别为0.65、6.3和0.32 mg ml-1以桦木木聚糖为底物测定的值。所述酶是不脱支的β-木聚糖内切酶。木糖是木聚糖酶X34C和X34E水解木聚糖的产物之一,但是这种单糖没有被X22酶释放。但是,这两种酶均不能降解木糖。



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