首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Persistence of Viruses in Desert Soils Amended with Anaerobically Digested Sewage Sludge

Persistence of Viruses in Desert Soils Amended with Anaerobically Digested Sewage Sludge




Pima County, Ariz., is currently investigating the potential benefits of land application of sewage sludge. To assess risks associated with the presence of pathogenic enteric viruses present in the sludge, laboratory studies were conducted to measure the inactivation rate (k = log10 reduction per day) of poliovirus type 1 and bacteriophages MS2 and PRD-1 in two sludge-amended desert agricultural soils (Brazito Sandy Loam and Pima Clay Loam). Under constant moisture (approximately -0.05 × 105 Pa for both soils) and temperatures of 15, 27, and 40°C, the main factors controlling the inactivation of these viruses were soil temperature and texture. As the temperature increased from 15 to 40°C, the inactivation rate increased significantly for poliovirus and MS2, whereas, for PRD-1, a significant increase in the inactivation rate was observed only at 40°C. Clay loam soils afforded more protection to all three viruses than sandy soils. At 15°C, the inactivation rate for MS2 ranged from 0.366 to 0.394 log10 reduction per day in clay loam and sandy loam soils, respectively. At 27°C, this rate increased to 0.629 log10 reduction per day in clay loam soil and to 0.652 in sandy loam soil. A similar trend was observed for poliovirus at 15°C (k = 0.064 log10 reduction per day, clay loam; k = 0.095 log10 reduction per day, sandy loam) and 27°C (k = 0.133 log10 reduction per day, clay loam; k = 0.154 log10 reduction per day, sandy loam). Neither MS2 nor poliovirus was recovered after 24 h at 40°C. No reduction of PRD-1 was observed after 28 days at 15°C and after 16 days at 27°C. At 40°C, the inactivation rates were 0.208 log10 reduction per day in amended clay loam soil and 0.282 log10 reduction per day in sandy loam soil. Evaporation to less than 5% soil moisture completely inactivated all three viruses within 7 days at 15°C, within 3 days at 27°C, and within 2 days at 40°C regardless of soil type. This suggests that a combination of high soil temperature and rapid loss of soil moisture will significantly reduce risks caused by viruses in sludge.
机译:亚利桑那州皮马县目前正在调查污水污泥土地利用的潜在利益。为了评估与污泥中存在病原性肠道病毒有关的风险,进行了实验室研究,以测量在两个污泥改良沙漠中1型脊髓灰质炎病毒以及噬菌体MS2和PRD-1的灭活率(k = log10每天减少)。农业土壤(Brazito桑迪壤土和Pima粘土壤土)。在恒定湿度(两种土壤约为-0.05×105 Pa)和15、27和40°C的温度下,控制这些病毒灭活的主要因素是土壤温度和质地。当温度从15升高到40°C时,脊髓灰质炎病毒和MS2的灭活率显着增加,而对于PRD-1,仅在40°C时才观察到灭活率显着增加。粘土壤土对所有三种病毒的保护作用都比沙质土壤强。在15°C下,壤土和沙壤土中MS2的失活速率分别为每天0.366至0.394 log10减少。在27°C下,该速度在粘土壤土中每天减少0.629 log10,在沙壤土中每天增加0.652。对于脊髓灰质炎病毒,在15°C(k =每天减少0.064 log10,黏土壤土; k =每天= 0.095 log10减少,沙质壤土)和27°C(k =每天0.133 log10减少10 log10,黏土壤土)观察到类似趋势。 k =每天减少0.154 log10(含沙壤土)。在40°C下放置24小时后,MS2和脊髓灰质炎病毒均未恢复。在15°C下28天后和27°C下16天后,未观察到PRD-1降低。在40°C下,改良的壤土土壤的灭活速率为每天减少0.208 log10,沙质壤土的灭活速率每天为0.282 log10。不论土壤类型如何,蒸发至不足5%的土壤水分都可以在15°C下7天内,27°C下3天内和40°C下2天内完全灭活所有三种病毒。这表明,高土壤温度和土壤水分快速流失的结合将显着降低污泥中病毒引起的风险。



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