首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Diel Interactions of Oxygenic Photosynthesis and N2 Fixation (Acetylene Reduction) in a Marine Microbial Mat Community

Diel Interactions of Oxygenic Photosynthesis and N2 Fixation (Acetylene Reduction) in a Marine Microbial Mat Community




Diel variations in N2 fixation (acetylene reduction), CO2 fixation, and oxygen concentrations were measured, on three separate occasions, in a marine microbial mat located on Shackleford Banks, North Carolina. Nitrogenase activity (NA) was found to be inversely correlated with CO2 fixation and, in two of the three diel periods studied, was higher at night than during the day. Oxygen concentrations within the top 3 mm of the mat ranged from 0 to 400 μM on a diel cycle; anaerobic conditions generally persisted below 4 mm. NA in the mat was profoundly affected by naturally occurring oxygen concentrations. Experimentally elevated oxygen concentrations resulted in a significant depression of NA, whereas the addition of the Photosystem II inhibitor 3(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea decreased oxygen concentrations within the mat and resulted in a significant short-term enhancement of NA. Mat N2-fixing microorganisms include cyanobacteria and heterotrophic, photoautotrophic, and chemolithotrophic eubacteria. Measured (whole-mat) NA is probably due to a combination of the NA of each of these groups of organisms. The relative contributions of each group to whole-mat NA probably varied during diel and seasonal (successional) cycles. Reduced compounds derived from photosynthetic CO2 fixation appeared to be an important source of energy for NA during the day, whereas heterotrophic or chemolithotrophic utilization of reduced compounds appeared to be an important source of energy for NA at night, under reduced ambient oxygen concentrations. Previous estimates of N2 fixation calculated on the basis of daytime measurements may have seriously underestimated diel and seasonal nitrogen inputs in mat systems.
机译:在北卡罗来纳州沙克尔福德河岸的海洋微生物垫中,分别测量了N2固定(乙炔还原),CO2固定和氧气浓度的Diel变化。发现氮酶活性(NA)与CO2固定成反比,并且在研究的三个diel周期中的两个周期中,夜间的氮含量高于白天。垫子顶部3毫米内的氧气浓度在diel循环中介于0到400μM之间。厌氧条件通常持续在4 mm以下。垫子中的NA受到天然存在的氧气浓度的深刻影响。实验中升高的氧气浓度导致NA显着降低,而添加Photosystem II抑制剂3(3,4-二氯苯基)-1,1-二甲基脲会降低毡垫中的氧气浓度,并导致显着的短期内增强不适用固定N2的微生物包括蓝细菌和异养细菌,光养细菌和化营养营养的真细菌。测得的(整个垫子)NA可能是由于这些生物体各组的NA的组合所致。每个组对全草NA的相对贡献可能在diel和季节性(连续)周期内变化。来自光合作用CO2固定的还原化合物似乎是白天NA的重要能源,而在环境氧浓度降低的情况下,还原化合物的异养或化学营养利用似乎是夜间NA的重要能源。根据白天的测量结果对N2固定的先前估计可能会严重低估垫系统中的diel和季节性氮输入。



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