首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Influence of Lime and Phosphate on Nodulation of Soil-Grown Trifolium subterraneum L. by Indigenous Rhizobium trifolii

Influence of Lime and Phosphate on Nodulation of Soil-Grown Trifolium subterraneum L. by Indigenous Rhizobium trifolii




Previous research had identified four serogroups of Rhizobium trifolii indigenous to the acidic Abiqua soil (fine, mixed, mesic Cumulic Ultic Haploxeroll). Nodulation of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) by two of the serogroups, 6 and 36, was differentially influenced by an application of CaCO3 which raised the pH of the soil from 5.0 to 6.5. These studies were designed to characterize this phenomenon more comprehensively. Liming the soil with either CaCO3, Ca(OH)2, MgO, or K2CO3 significantly (P = 0.05) increased the percent nodule occupancy by serogroup 36, whereas the percent nodule occupancy by serogroup 6 was decreased, but the decrease was significant (P = 0.05) only after application of either CaCO3 or Ca(OH)2. Application of KH2PO4 (25 mg of P kg of soil?1), which did not change soil pH, also significantly (P = 0.05) increased the percent nodule occupancy by serogroup 36. Application of KH2PO4 in combination with Ca(OH)2 produced the same increase in nodule occupancy by serogroup 36 as did individual application of the two materials. Soil populations of serogroup 36 consistently, and in the majority of cases significantly (P = 0.05), outnumbered those of serogroup 6 before planting and after harvest regardless of soil treatment or the outcome of nodulation. Soil chemical and plant analyses provided no evidence that liming was simulating phosphate addition by increasing the availability and subsequent uptake of soil Pi by the subclover plants. Liming did, however, result in a significant transformation (30 to 50 mg of P kg of soil?1) of Pi from the residual soil Pi fraction into an NaOH-extractable organic P fraction during the preplant equilibration period.
机译:先前的研究已经确定了酸性Abiqua土壤中的四个Trifolii根瘤菌血清群(细的,混合的,中等的Cumulic Ultic Haploxeroll)。 CaCO3的施用将土壤的pH从5.0提高到6.5,这两个血清群(6和36)对三叶草(三叶草)的结瘤作用不同。这些研究旨在更全面地描述这种现象。用CaCO3,Ca(OH)2,MgO或K2CO3覆盖土壤显着(P = 0.05)增加了血清群36的根瘤占有率,而降低了血清群6的根瘤占有率,但下降是显着的(P = 0.05)仅在应用CaCO3或Ca(OH)2之后。施用KH2PO4(25千克土壤P kg?1),不会改变土壤的pH值,也显着(P = 0.05)增加了血清群36的结节占有率。施用KH2PO4与Ca(OH)2结合使用血清群36的结节占有率与两种材料的单独施用相同。不论土壤处理或结瘤结果如何,在种植前和收获后,第36血清群的土壤种群始终如一,并且在大多数情况下显着(P = 0.05),超过了第6血清群。土壤化学和植物分析没有提供证据表明石灰作用通过增加亚科植物的有效性和随后对土壤Pi的吸收来模拟磷酸盐的添加。然而,在种植前的平衡期间,石灰化确实导致了磷的显着转化(从30到50毫克P kg土壤?1)从残留的土壤Pi馏分转化为NaOH可萃取的有机P馏分。



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