首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Agglutination of Erwinia stewartii Strains with a Corn Agglutinin: Correlation with Extracellular Polysaccharide Production and Pathogenicity

Agglutination of Erwinia stewartii Strains with a Corn Agglutinin: Correlation with Extracellular Polysaccharide Production and Pathogenicity

机译:用玉米凝集素凝集的Erwinia stewartii菌株:与细胞外多糖产生和致病性的关系。



A bacterial agglutinin was extracted from ground corn (WI hybrid 64A × W117) seed with phosphate-buffered saline (pH 6.0) and precipitated with (NH4)2SO4 at 70% saturation. The activities of this agglutinin against 22 strains of Erwinia stewartii (agent of bacterial wilt of corn) that varied in virulence were determined. Specific agglutination (agglutination titer per milligram of protein per milliliter) values were correlated negatively with virulence ratings. Strains with high specific agglutination values (15 or higher) were avirulent or weakly virulent; strains with low specific agglutination values (10 or lower) were highly virulent, with two exceptions. Avirulent strains produced butyrous colonies and released only small amounts of extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) into the medium, and the cells lacked capsules; virulent strains produced fluidal colonies and released large amounts of EPS, and the cells were capsulated. There was a strong correlation between the amount of EPS produced by each strain (as determined by increase in viscosity of the medium) and the specific agglutination value; in contrast, lipopolysaccharide compositions were similar in all strains. When cells of six fluidal strains were washed by repeatedly centrifuging and resuspending them in buffer, they were agglutinated more strongly by corn agglutinin than were unwashed cells. When avirulent cells were washed, their specific agglutination values did not increase significantly. Eight EPS-deficient mutants of E. stewartii, selected for resistance to the capsule-dependent bacteriophage K9, had lower virulence but higher specific agglutination than did their corresponding wild-type parents. Production of EPS appears to be essential for virulence; EPS may prevent agglutination of bacteria in the host, thus allowing their multiplication.
机译:用磷酸缓冲盐溶液(pH 6.0)从磨碎的玉米(WI杂种64A×W117)种子中提取细菌凝集素,并用饱和度为70%的(NH4)2SO4沉淀。确定了该凝集素对22种毒力不同的斯氏欧文氏菌(玉米枯萎病菌)的活性。特定凝集(每毫克蛋白质每毫升凝集滴度)值与毒力等级负相关。具有高比凝集值(15或更高)的菌株无毒或弱毒。具有低特定凝集值(10或更低)的菌株具有高毒性,但有两个例外。无毒力菌株产生丁酸菌落,仅向培养基中释放少量细胞外多糖(EPS),而细胞缺乏胶囊。毒力强的菌株产生液体菌落并释放大量EPS,并将细胞包囊。每个菌株产生的EPS量(由培养基粘度的增加确定)与特定凝集值之间存在很强的相关性。相反,在所有菌株中脂多糖组成相似。通过反复离心将六种液体菌株的细胞洗涤并重悬于缓冲液中,与未洗涤的细胞相比,玉米凝集素对它们的凝集作用更强。洗涤无毒细胞后,它们的特异性凝集值没有明显增加。被选为对胶囊依赖性噬菌体K9具有抗性的8个EPS缺陷型埃希氏大肠杆菌突变体比其相应的野生型亲本具有更低的毒力但更高的特异性凝集。 EPS的产生似乎对毒力至关重要; EPS可以阻止宿主中细菌的凝集,从而使其繁殖。



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