
The Foxes and the Hedgehogs, Yet Again




The Greek poet Archilochus (c 680–645 BC) wrote, “The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.” This quote echoed widely after being used by the British philosopher and historian of ideas Isaiah Berlin (1909–1997) in his essay on Leo Tolstoy (1, 2). In his other works Berlin addressed issues such as liberty and political judgement. He was strongly against monism, i.e., the view that there exist absolute, unassailable truths (3). He was also interested in the differences between natural sciences and the humanities. He maintained that they were different, the former being essentially focused on the study of the outside world and the latter on the internal world of the humans. His essay The Hedgehog and the Fox contrasted writers and thinkers such as Plato, who saw the world through one unifying idea (the hedgehogs) and those, like Montagne, who accepted the world as multiplicity of ideas and systems (the foxes) (1).Here I would like to apply Archilochus's quote to a somewhat more practical issue, to our views of …
机译:希腊诗人阿奇洛丘斯(公元前680年至645年)写道:“狐狸知道很多事情,但刺猬知道一件大事。”在英国哲学家和思想史学家以赛亚·柏林(Isaiah Berlin)(1909–1997)在其关于托尔斯泰(Leo Tolstoy)(1,2)的文章中使用该语录后,这一说法得到了广泛的回响。柏林在他的其他作品中谈到了自由和政治判断等问题。他强烈反对一元论,即认为存在绝对的,无懈可击的真理(3)。他还对自然科学与人文科学之间的差异感兴趣。他坚持认为它们是不同的,前者本质上专注于对外部世界的研究,而后者着重于人类的内部世界。他的文章《刺猬和福克斯》将柏拉图等作家和思想家进行了对比,柏拉图通过一个统一的观念(刺猬)看到了世界,而蒙塔涅(Montagne)等人则认为世界是观念和系统的多样性(狐狸)(1) 。在此,我想将Archilochus的报价应用于一个更实际的问题,以我们对...的观点



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