首页> 外文期刊>Clinical Chemistry: Journal of the American Association for Clinical Chemists >Automated Determination of Serum α1-Antitrypsin by Antitryptic Activity Measurement

Automated Determination of Serum α1-Antitrypsin by Antitryptic Activity Measurement




Background: α1-Antitrypsin (A1AT) deficiency is currently detectable by protein immunoassay, phenotyping, and genotyping of the S and Z mutations, but no fully automated method for standard biochemical analyzers is yet available. Here, we present a method that measures the antitryptic activity in serum. This method is rapid, automated, and allows the easy evaluation of a large cohort of patients.Methods: Our automated assay involves determining serum antitryptic capacity on the Olympus AU 400 autoanalyzer by using trypsin and succinylated gelatin as substrate in the presence of trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid. The results are expressed as a percentage of inhibition of the reaction of trypsin with succinylated gelatin. After we performed analytical validation studies and reference-interval determination based on serum samples from 120 healthy persons, we tested the assay on deidentified samples from 120 patients with various pathologies (primarily pulmonary) of unexplained origin and normal A1AT concentrations and phenotypes.Results: The analysis rate was up to 120 samples per hour. Intraassay CVs ranged from 3.1%–16.2%, and interassay CV was 7.5%. The reference population showed mean (SD) 58.4 (6.7)% inhibition. The detection limit was 9.5% inhibition. The 120 studied patients displayed significantly lower mean activity than 120 healthy individuals ( P 0.0001).Conclusion: This assay is stable, reliable, and easily automated by use of open-system analyzers, allowing for the rapid evaluation of patients. After further validation on a larger randomized cohort, this new approach should function as a useful method to explore A1AT deficiency, especially in large-scale studies.
机译:背景:α1-抗胰蛋白酶(A1AT)缺乏症目前可通过蛋白免疫测定,S和Z突变的表型分析和基因分型检测到,但尚无用于标准生化分析仪的全自动方法。在这里,我们提出了一种测量血清抗胰蛋白酶活性的方法。该方法快速,自动化,可轻松评估大量患者。方法:我们的自动化测定包括在三硝基苯磺酸存在下,以胰蛋白酶和琥珀酰明胶为底物,在Olympus AU 400自动分析仪上测定血清抗胰蛋白酶的能力。 。结果表示为抑制胰蛋白酶与琥珀酰明胶反应的百分比。在基于120名健康人的血清样本进行分析验证研究和参考区间确定后,我们对来自120例来源不明,A1AT浓度和表型正常的各种病理(主要是肺部)患者的身份不明的样本进行了测试。分析速率高达每小时120个样品。批内CV在3.1%–16.2%之间,批间CV为7.5%。参考人群显示出平均(SD)58.4(6.7)%抑制率。检测极限是9.5%抑制。研究的120位患者的平均活动度明显低于120位健康的个体(P <0.0001)。结论:该测定法稳定,可靠且易于使用开放系统分析仪进行自动化,可对患者进行快速评估。在对更大的随机队列进行进一步验证后,这种新方法应作为探索A1AT缺乏症的有用方法,尤其是在大规模研究中。



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