
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for chromogranin A.




This is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for determining chromogranin A (CGA) with use of a monoclonal antibody. CGA was isolated from bovine chromaffin granules. The analytical ELISA procedure for bovine CGA was developed and optimized. Typical standard curves ranged from 500 pg to 500 ng of CGA. We then studied human plasma CGA-immunoreactivity as measured by this assay. The curve for dilutions of human plasma paralleled the standard curve for bovine CGA. The intra-assay coefficient of variation for determination of human plasma CGA was 4.56%, indicating that reliable determinations can be performed for human plasma. However, further study revealed the presence of two CGA-immunoreactive substances in human plasma, one of which corresponds to the native CGA. The nature of the second immunoreactive substance still remains unknown. Nevertheless the measured CGA concentrations (ranging from 0.19 to 0.35 mg/L) in plasma are comparable with previously reported values.
机译:这是一种酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA),用于使用单克隆抗体测定嗜铬粒蛋白A(CGA)。从牛嗜铬粒蛋白颗粒中分离出CGA。开发并优化了牛CGA的分析ELISA程序。典型的标准曲线范围为500 pg至500 ng CGA。然后,我们研究了通过该测定法测量的人血浆CGA免疫反应性。人血浆的稀释曲线与牛CGA的标准曲线平行。用于测定人血浆CGA的测定内变异系数为4.56%,表明可以对人血浆进行可靠的测定。但是,进一步的研究表明,人血浆中存在两种CGA免疫反应性物质,其中一种对应于天然CGA。第二种免疫反应性物质的性质仍然未知。然而,血浆中测得的CGA浓度(0.19至0.35 mg / L)与先前报道的值相当。



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