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Study protocol for a non-inferiority trial of cytisine versus nicotine replacement therapy in people motivated to stop smoking




Background Smokers need effective support to maximise the chances of successful quit attempts. Current smoking cessation medications, such as nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), bupropion, nortriptyline or varenicline, have been shown to be effective in clinical trials but are underused by smokers attempting to quit due to adverse effects, contraindications, low acceptability and/or high cost. Cytisine is a low-cost, plant-based alkaloid that has been sold as a smoking cessation aid in Eastern Europe for 50 years. A systematic review of trial evidence suggests that cytisine has a positive impact on both short- and long-term abstinence rates compared to placebo. However, the quality of the evidence is poor and insufficient for licensing purposes in many Western countries. A large, well-conducted placebo-controlled trial (n = 740) of cytisine for smoking cessation has recently been published and confirms the findings of earlier studies, with 12-month continuous abstinence rates of 8.4% in the cytisine group compared to 2.4% in the placebo group (Relative risk = 3.4, 95% confidence intervals 1.7-7.1). No research has yet been undertaken to determine the effectiveness of cytisine relative to that of NRT. Methods/design A single-blind, randomised controlled, non-inferiority trial has been designed to determine whether cytisine is at least as effective as NRT in assisting smokers to remain abstinent for at least one month. Participants (n = 1,310) will be recruited through the national telephone-based Quitline service in New Zealand and randomised to receive a standard 25-day course of cytisine tablets (Tabex?) or usual care (eight weeks of NRT patch and/or gum or lozenge). Participants in both study arms will also receive a behavioural support programme comprising an average of three follow-up telephone calls delivered over an eight-week period by Quitline. The primary outcome is continuous abstinence from smoking at one month, defined as not smoking more than five cigarettes since quit date. Outcome data will also be collected at one week, two months and six months post-quit date. Discussion Cytisine appears to be effective compared with placebo, and given its (current) relative low cost may be an acceptable smoking cessation treatment for smokers, particularly those in low- and middle-income countries. Cytisine's 'natural' product status may also increase its acceptability and use among certain groups of smokers, such as indigenous people, smokers in countries where the use of natural medicines is widespread (e.g. China, India), and in those people who do not want to use NRT or anti-depressants to help them quit smoking. However it is important to ascertain the effectiveness of cytisine compared with that of existing cessation treatments. Trial registration Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ( ACTRN12610000590066 )
机译:背景吸烟者需要有效的支持,以最大限度地提高成功戒烟尝试的机会。目前的戒烟药物,例如尼古丁替代疗法(NRT),安非他酮,去甲替林或伐尼克兰,在临床试验中已被证明是有效的,但由于不良反应,禁忌症,可接受性低和/或高而试图戒烟的吸烟者并未充分使用该药物。成本。 Cytisine是一种低成本的植物基生物碱,在东欧已作为戒烟辅助品销售了50年。对试验证据的系统评价表明,与安慰剂相比,胱氨酸对短期和长期戒断率都有积极影响。但是,在许多西方国家,证据的质量很差,不足以用于许可目的。最近发表了一项大型的,进行良好的安慰剂对照试验,研究结果表明,该药对戒烟的影响是正确的。该试验对安慰剂对照者的研究结果表明,该疗法对戒烟的影响最大,为740例,连续24个月的戒烟率为8.4%。安慰剂组(相对风险= 3.4,95%置信区间1.7-7.1)。相对于NRT而言,尚未进行任何研究来确定胱氨酸的有效性。方法/设计设计了一项单盲,随机对照,非劣效性试验,以确定在辅助吸烟者戒烟至少一个月的过程中,胱氨酸是否至少与NRT一样有效。参加者(n = 1,310)将通过新西兰的全国电话戒烟热线服务被招募,并随机接受标准的25天疗程的胱氨酸片(Tabex ?)或常规护理(八周) NRT贴片和/或口香糖或锭剂)。两个研究小组的参与者还将获得一个行为支持计划,其中包括Quitline在八周的时间内平均发送了三个跟进电话。主要结局是戒烟一个月以来的持续戒酒,定义为自戒烟日期以来不抽烟超过五支。结果数据还将在退出后的一周,两个月和六个月收集。讨论胱氨酸与安慰剂相比似乎是有效的,并且鉴于其(当前)相对较低的成本可能是吸烟者,尤其是中低收入国家的吸烟者可接受的戒烟治疗。 Cytisine的“天然”产品状态也可能增加其在某些吸烟者群体中的可接受性和使用率,例如土著居民,在使用天然药物广泛的国家(例如中国,印度)以及那些不希望吸烟的人中的吸烟者使用NRT或抗抑郁药帮助他们戒烟。然而,与现有戒烟治疗相比,确定胱氨酸的有效性非常重要。试验注册澳大利亚新西兰临床试验注册(ACTRN12610000590066)



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