首页> 外文期刊>BMC Public Health >Care avoidance among homeless people and access to care: an interview study among spiritual caregivers, street pastors, homeless outreach workers and formerly homeless people

Care avoidance among homeless people and access to care: an interview study among spiritual caregivers, street pastors, homeless outreach workers and formerly homeless people




Because of their poor health and social vulnerability, homeless people require specific care. However, due to care avoidance, homeless people are often not involved in care. This study aims to get insights into reasons for and kinds of care avoidance among homeless people and to provide suggestions to reach this target group. Semi-structured individual interviews were conducted among street pastors (n?=?9), spiritual caregivers (n?=?9), homeless outreach workers (n?=?7) and formerly homeless people (n?=?3). Participants were recruited by purposive sampling in the four major cities in the Netherlands (Amsterdam, Utrecht, Rotterdam, The Hague). The verbatim transcripts were analysed using thematic analysis. The term care avoidance was perceived as stigmatizing. Care avoidance is found to be related to characteristics of the homeless person (e.g. having complex problems, other priorities) as well as of the system (e.g. complex system, conditions and requirements of organizations). The person-related characteristics suggestions to involve homeless persons include tailoring care and building relationships, which might even be prioritised over starting care interventions. Setting limits on behaviour without rejecting the person, and an attitude reflecting humanity, dignity and equality were also important factors in making care more accessible and lasting. As regards system-related characteristics, the suggestions include clear information and communication to homeless people who avoid care as being crucial in order to make care more accessible. Other suggestions include quiet and less busy shelters, a non-threatening attitude and treatment by professionals, self-reflection by professionals and finally a change of policy and legislation regarding available time. Reasons for care avoidance can be found in the interplay between both the individual and the system; measures to reduce care avoidance should be taken at both levels. These measures are centred on lowering the barriers to care inter alia by incorporating building trust and understanding into the care provided.
机译:由于无家可归者的健康状况和社会脆弱性,他们需要特殊护理。但是,由于避免照料,无家可归的人通常不参与照料。这项研究旨在深入了解无家可归者中避免照料的原因和种类,并为达到这一目标群体提供建议。在街头牧师(n = 9),精神照料者(n = 9),无家可归的外展工人(n = 7)和以前无家可归的人(n = 3)之间进行了半结构化的个人访谈。通过有针对性的抽样在荷兰的四个主要城市(阿姆斯特丹,乌得勒支,鹿特丹,海牙)招募了参与者。使用主题分析对逐字记录进行分析。避免护理一词被视为污名化。发现避免照顾与无家可归者的特征(例如,具有复杂的问题,其他优先事项)以及系统的特征(例如,复杂的系统,组织的条件和要求)有关。涉及无家可归者的与人相关的特征建议包括量身定制护理和建立关系,甚至可能比开始护理干预措施优先。设定行为限制而不排斥他人,反映人性,尊严和平等的态度也是使护理更容易获得和持久的重要因素。关于与系统有关的特征,建议包括向无家可归者提供清晰的信息和通信,他们避免照料是至关重要的,以使照料更加容易获得。其他建议包括安静,忙碌的避难所,专业人员的不威胁态度和待遇,专业人员的自我反省以及最终改变有关可用时间的政策和法律。避免护理的原因可以在个人与系统之间的相互作用中找到。在两个层面上都应采取减少避免照料的措施。这些措施的重点是通过将建立信任和理解纳入所提供的护理中来降低护理的障碍。



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