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The association between accelerometer-measured patterns of sedentary time and health risk in children and youth: results from the Canadian Health Measures Survey




Background Self-reported screen time is associated with elevated health risk in children and youth; however, research examining the relationship between accelerometer-measured sedentary time and health risk has reported mixed findings. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between accelerometer-measured patterns of sedentary time and health risk in children and youth. Methods The results are based on 1,608 children and youth aged 6 to 19?years from the Canadian Health Measures Survey (2007–2009). Sedentary time was measured using the Actical accelerometer. Breaks in sedentary time and prolonged bouts of sedentary time lasting 20 to 120?minutes were derived for all days, weekend days and during the after-school period (i.e., after 3?pm on weekdays). Regression analyses were used to examine the association between patterns of sedentary time and body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, blood pressure and non-HDL cholesterol. Results Boys accumulated more sedentary time on weekdays after 3?pm and had a higher number of breaks in sedentary time compared to girls. Overweight/obese boys (aged 6–19?years) accumulated more sedentary time after 3?pm on weekdays (282 vs. 259?min, p?-2 higher BMI and a 3.4?cm higher waist circumference in 11–14?year old boys. No sedentary pattern variables differed between girls who were not overweight or obese and those who were overweight/obese and none of the sedentary pattern variables were associated with any health markers in girls. Conclusions The findings confirm results of other studies that reported accelerometer-measured sedentary time was not associated with health risk in children and youth. Even when the pattern and timing of sedentary time was examined relative to health markers, few associations emerged and were limited to boys aged 11–14?years.
机译:背景自我报告的筛查时间与儿童和青少年的健康风险增高有关。但是,研究加速度计测得的久坐时间与健康风险之间关系的研究报告了好坏参半的结果。这项研究的目的是检查加速度计测量的久坐时间与儿童和青少年健康风险之间的关系。方法该结果基于加拿大卫生措施调查(2007-2009年)的1608名6至19岁的儿童和青少年。久坐时间使用Actic加速度计测量。在全天,周末和放学后(即工作日下午3点后)休息时间的休息和久坐时间延长到20至120分钟。回归分析用于检查久坐时间与体重指数(BMI),腰围,血压和非HDL胆固醇之间的关系。结果男生在下午3点后的工作日中有更多的久坐时间,而与女生相比,久坐时间的休息次数更多。超重/肥胖男孩(6-19岁)在工作日下午3点后积累了更多的久坐时间(282 vs. 259?min,11岁的BMI较高,腰围高3.4?cm) –14岁男孩。非超重或肥胖的女孩与超重/肥胖的女孩的久坐模式变量没有差异,并且这些久坐模式变量均与女孩的任何健康指标均无关联。研究报告了用加速度计测量的久坐时间与儿童和青少年的健康风险无关,即使相对于健康指标检查久坐时间的方式和时间,也很少出现这种关联,并且仅限于11-14岁的男孩。



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