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Relationship between body mass index and depressive symptoms: the “fat and jolly” hypothesis for the middle-aged and elderly in China




Background Obesity has been identified as a worldwide epidemic. In China, the highest prevalence of obesity is observed in adults aged ≥45?years old. This study aimed to describe the association between BMI and depressive symptoms among a large representative sample of middle-aged and elderly in China. Method A longitudinal sample of the middle-aged and elderly (6,224 males and 6,883 females) who were interviewed in the 2011 China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study was used. A multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to examine the effects of socio-demographic characteristics, lifestyle, activity status, health status, physical exercise and body weight on depressive symptoms. Results Approximately 6.94% of the males were underweight, 25.48% were overweight and 8.16% were obese. A higher prevalence of obesity was found among women, with 6.89% being underweight, 31.98% overweight and 14.28% obese. The underweight subjects were more likely to be depressed (odds ratio; OR?=?1.30 and 1.19) compared with the normal weight people, respectively, whereas overweight and obese men and women were less likely to be depressed (overweight: OR?=?0.76 and 0.80; obesity: OR?=?0.64 and 0.65, respectively) than people of normal weight. Conclusion Our data are consistent with the “fat and jolly” hypothesis being valid in both middle-aged and elderly men and women.
机译:背景肥胖症已被确定为一种全球流行病。在中国,肥胖的患病率最高的是≥45岁的成年人。这项研究旨在描述中国一大批具有代表性的中老年人中BMI与抑郁症状之间的关系。方法使用2011年中国健康与退休纵向研究中接受采访的中老年人(6,224名男性和6,883名女性)的纵向样本。多元logistic回归分析用于检查社会人口统计学特征,生活方式,活动状态,健康状况,体育锻炼和体重对抑郁症状的影响。结果约6.94%的男性体重过轻,25.48%的体重超重,8.16%的肥胖。女性中肥胖的患病率更高,其中体重不足的比例为6.89%,超重的比例为31.98%,肥胖的比例为14.28%。与体重正常的人相比,体重过轻的受试者更容易感到沮丧(比值; OR == 1.30和1.19),而体重过重和肥胖的男性和女性则较不容易抑郁(超重:OR?=?)。比正常体重的人高0.76和0.80;肥胖:OR?=?0.64和0.65)。结论我们的数据与“肥胖和欢乐”假说在中年和老年男女中均成立是一致的。



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