首页> 外文期刊>BMC Public Health >Health-related quality of life in adolescents with screening-detected celiac disease, before and one year after diagnosis and initiation of gluten-free diet, a prospective nested case-referent study

Health-related quality of life in adolescents with screening-detected celiac disease, before and one year after diagnosis and initiation of gluten-free diet, a prospective nested case-referent study




Background Celiac disease (CD) is a chronic disorder in genetically predisposed individuals in which a small intestinal immune-mediated enteropathy is precipitated by dietary gluten. It can be difficult to diagnose because signs and symptoms may be absent, subtle, or not recognized as CD related and therefore not prompt testing within routine clinical practice. Thus, most people with CD are undiagnosed and a public health intervention, which involves screening the general population, is an option to find those with unrecognized CD. However, how these screening-detected individuals experience the diagnosis and treatment (gluten-free diet) is not fully understood. The aim of this study is to investigate the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of adolescents with screening-detected CD before and one year after diagnosis and treatment. Methods A prospective nested case-referent study was done involving Swedish adolescents who had participated in a CD screening study when they were in the sixth grade and about 12?years old. Screening-detected adolescents (n?=?103) and referents without CD who participated in the same screening (n?=?483) answered questionnaires at the time of the screening and approximately one year after the screening-detected adolescents had received their diagnosis that included the EQ-5D instrument used to measure health status and report HRQoL. Results The HRQoL for the adolescents with screening-detected CD is similar to the referents, both before and one year after diagnosis and initiation of the gluten-free diet, except in the dimension of pain at follow-up. In the pain dimension at follow-up, fewer cases reported problems than referents (12.6% and 21.9% respectively, Adjusted OR 0.50, 95% CI 0.27-0.94). However, a sex stratified analysis revealed that the significant difference was for boys at follow-up, where fewer screening-detected boys reported problems (4.3%) compared to referent boys (18.8%) (Adjusted OR 0.17, 95% CI 0.04-0.73). Conclusions The findings of this study suggest that adolescents with unrecognized CD experience similar HRQoL as their peers without CD, both before and one year after diagnosis and initiation of gluten-free diet, except for boys in the dimension of pain at follow-up.
机译:背景乳糜泻(CD)是遗传易感人群中的一种慢性疾病,其中饮食性麸质会导致小肠免疫介导的肠病。诊断可能很困难,因为体征和症状可能不存在,微妙或不被认为与CD相关,因此无法在常规临床实践中及时进行检测。因此,大多数患有CD的人无法得到诊断,因此,对人群进行筛查的公共卫生干预措施是发现CD未被识别的人的一种选择。但是,尚未完全了解这些经过筛查的个体如何进行诊断和治疗(无麸质饮食)。这项研究的目的是调查在诊断和治疗之前和之后的筛查检测到的CD的青少年的健康相关生活质量(HRQoL)。方法对瑞典青少年进行了一项前瞻性的病例对照研究,这些瑞典青少年在六年级和大约12岁时参加了CD筛查研究。被筛查的青少年(n?=?103)和没有CD的参加相同筛查的参照对象(n?=?483)在筛查时以及被筛查的青少年获得诊断后大约一年回答了问卷其中包括用于测量健康状况和报告HRQoL的EQ-5D仪器。结果筛查检测到的CD的青少年的HRQoL与参考对象相似,在无麸质饮食的诊断和开始之前和之后一年,但随访时的疼痛程度除外。在随访时的疼痛方面,报告问题的病例少于参考者(分别为12.6%和21.9%,校正后的OR 0.50,95%CI 0.27-0.94)。然而,按性别进行的分层分析显示,显着性差异在于男孩在随访中,筛查发现的男孩报告问题的比例(4.3%)低于推荐男孩的比例(18.8%)(校正后的OR 0.17,95%CI 0.04-0.73 )。结论:这项研究的结果表明,在诊断和开始使用无麸质饮食之前和之后的一年中,患有未被识别的CD的青少年与没有CD的青少年经历类似的HRQoL,除了男孩在随访时的疼痛程度。



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