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De novo transcriptome sequencing in Bixa orellana to identify genes involved in methylerythritol phosphate, carotenoid and bixin biosynthesis

机译:Bixa orellana中的从头转录组测序,以鉴定参与甲基赤藓糖醇磷酸,类胡萝卜素和联蛋白生物合成的基因



Bixin or annatto is a commercially important natural orange-red pigment derived from lycopene that is produced and stored in seeds of Bixa orellana L. An enzymatic pathway for bixin biosynthesis was inferred from homology of putative proteins encoded by differentially expressed seed cDNAs. Some activities were later validated in a heterologous system. Nevertheless, much of the pathway remains to be clarified. For example, it is essential to identify the methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) and carotenoid pathways genes. In order to investigate the MEP, carotenoid, and bixin pathways genes, total RNA from young leaves and two different developmental stages of seeds from B. orellana were used for the construction of indexed mRNA libraries, sequenced on the Illumina HiSeq 2500 platform and assembled de novo using Velvet, CLC Genomics Workbench and CAP3 software. A total of 52,549 contigs were obtained with average length of 1,924?bp. Two phylogenetic analyses of inferred proteins, in one case encoded by thirteen general, single-copy cDNAs, in the other from carotenoid and MEP cDNAs, indicated that B. orellana is closely related to sister Malvales species cacao and cotton. Using homology, we identified 7 and 14 core gene products from the MEP and carotenoid pathways, respectively. Surprisingly, previously defined bixin pathway cDNAs were not present in our transcriptome. Here we propose a new set of gene products involved in bixin pathway. The identification and qRT-PCR quantification of cDNAs involved in annatto production suggest a hypothetical model for bixin biosynthesis that involve coordinated activation of some MEP, carotenoid and bixin pathway genes. These findings provide a better understanding of the mechanisms regulating these pathways and will facilitate the genetic improvement of B. orellana.
机译:Bixin或annatto是从番茄红素衍生的商业上重要的天然橙红色颜料,生产并存储在Bixa orellana L的种子中。从差异表达的种子cDNA编码的推定蛋白质的同源性推断出bixin生物合成的酶促途径。某些活动后来在异源系统中得到验证。尽管如此,许多途径仍有待澄清。例如,必须识别磷酸甲基赤藓醇(MEP)和类胡萝卜素途径基因。为了研究MEP,类胡萝卜素和bixin途径的基因,使用了来自O. bella orellana的幼叶和种子两个不同发育阶段的总RNA来构建索引的mRNA文库,并在Illumina HiSeq 2500平台上测序并组装了de从头开始使用Velvet,CLC Genomics Workbench和CAP3软件。总共获得了52,549个重叠群,平均长度为1,924?bp。对推断的蛋白质进行的两次系统发育分析(一种情况下由13个普通单拷贝cDNA编码,另一种情况下由类胡萝卜素和MEP cDNA编码)表明,产油双歧杆菌与Malvales姊妹可可和棉花姐妹密切相关。使用同源性,我们分别从MEP和类胡萝卜素途径中鉴定出7和14个核心基因产物。令人惊讶的是,我们的转录组中不存在先前定义的联蛋白途径cDNA。在这里,我们提出了一套新的涉及bixin途径的基因产物。鉴定和拟南芥生产中涉及的cDNA的qRT-PCR定量表明,联蛋白生物合成的假想模型涉及一些MEP,类胡萝卜素和联蛋白通路基因的协同激活。这些发现提供了对调节这些途径的机制的更好的理解,并将促进牛疫杆菌的遗传改良。



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