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Optimization of linkage mapping strategy and construction of a high-density American lotus linkage map




Background Lotus is a diploid plant with agricultural, medicinal, and ecological significance. Genetic linkage maps are fundamental resources for genome and genetic study, and also provide molecular markers for breeding in agriculturally important species. Genotyping by sequencing revolutionized genetic mapping, the restriction-site associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) allowed rapid discovery of thousands of SNPs markers, and a crucial aspect of the sequence based mapping strategy is the reference sequences used for marker identification. Results We assessed the effectiveness of linkage mapping using three types of references for scoring markers: the unmasked genome, repeat masked genome, and gene models. Overall, the repeat masked genome produced the optimal genetic maps. A high-density genetic map of American lotus was constructed using an F1 population derived from a cross between Nelumbo nucifera ‘China Antique’ and N. lutea ‘AL1’. A total of 4,098 RADseq markers were used to construct the American lotus ‘AL1’ genetic map, and 147 markers were used to construct the Chinese lotus ‘China Antique’ genetic map. The American lotus map has 9 linkage groups, and spans 494.3?cM, with an average distance of 0.7?cM between adjacent markers. The American lotus map was used to anchor scaffold sequences in the N. nucifera ‘China Antique’ draft genome. 3,603 RADseq markers anchored 234 individual scaffold sequences into 9 megascaffolds spanning 67% of the 804?Mb draft genome. Conclusions Among the unmasked genome, repeat masked genome and gene models, the optimal reference sequences to call RADseq markers for map construction is repeat masked genome. This high density genetic map is a valuable resource for genomic research and crop improvement in lotus.
机译:背景技术莲花是具有农业,医学和生态意义的二倍体植物。遗传连锁图谱是基因组和遗传研究的基础资源,并且也提供了在农业上重要的物种进行育种的分子标记。通过测序进行基因分型,彻底改变了遗传图谱,限制性位点相关的DNA测序(RADseq)可以快速发现成千上万个SNPs标记,并且基于序列的映射策略的关键方面是用于标记鉴定的参考序列。结果我们使用三种类型的评分标记参照物评估了连锁作图的有效性:未屏蔽的基因组,重复的屏蔽的基因组和基因模型。总的来说,重复的掩盖基因组产生了最佳的遗传图谱。美国莲的高密度遗传图谱是使用来自中国莲(Nelumbo nucifera)“中国古董”(China Antique)和黄茶(N. lutea)“ AL1”之间杂交的F 1 种群构建的。总共使用了4,098个RADseq标记来构建美国莲花的“ AL1”遗传图,并使用147个标记来构建中国莲花的“中国古董”遗传图。美国莲花图有9个连锁群,跨度494.3?cM,相邻标记之间的平均距离为0.7?cM。美国莲花图被用来将支架序列锚定在N. nucifera“中国古董”草图基因组中。 3,603个RADseq标记将234个单独的支架序列锚定在9个巨型支架中,这些支架覆盖了804?Mb草案基因组的67%。结论在未掩盖的基因组,重复掩盖的基因组和基因模型中,调用RADseq标记进行图谱构建的最佳参考序列是重复掩盖的基因组。此高密度遗传图谱是莲花基因组研究和作物改良的宝贵资源。



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