首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Sports >Community Perception of Cultural Identity of Heritage Sites for Determining Local Participation in their Management and Conservation: The Case of Thimlich Ohinga and Seme-Kaila in Kenya

Community Perception of Cultural Identity of Heritage Sites for Determining Local Participation in their Management and Conservation: The Case of Thimlich Ohinga and Seme-Kaila in Kenya

机译:社区对文化遗产的文化认同的感知,以确定当地参与管理和保护的情况:肯尼亚的Thimlich Ohinga和Seme-Kaila案



The study investigated the significance of cultural identity of prehistoric settlements in establishing community participation in their conservation and management for ecotourism promotion. This was accomplished using both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, as well as, content analysis. The research employed value theory to interpret the data and provide clarity of the research findings. The study concluded that there is a significant relationship between community perception of cultural identity of the sites and community participation in their conservation and management for ecotourism promotion. High level of community perception of cultural identity of Thimlich Ohinga indicates high community participation in the conservation and management of the site. Low level of community perception of cultural identity of Seme-Kaila shows low community participation in the conservation and management of the site. KEY WORDS : Cultural identity, community perception, community participation, management, conservation, heritage site.
机译:该研究调查了史前居民区的文化认同在建立社区参与其生态旅游保护和管理中的重要性。这是使用定性和定量数据收集方法完成的,并使用描述性和推断性统计数据以及内容分析进行了分析。该研究采用价值理论来解释数据并提供研究结果的清晰性。研究得出的结论是,社区对遗址文化身份的感知与社区参与保护和管理生态旅游以促进生态旅游之间存在着显着的关系。社区对Thimlich Ohinga的文化身份的高度了解表明社区高度参与了该遗址的保护和管理。社区对Seme-Kaila的文化身份的了解程度较低,表明社区对站点的保护和管理的参与度较低。关键词:文化认同,社区观念,社区参与,管理,保护,文化遗产。



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