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Tourism in Bangladesh: Present Status and Future Prospects




Bangladesh is full of natural beauty. It is surrounded by river, coasts and beaches, archaeological sites, religious places, hills, forest, waterfalls, tea gardens etc. The sundarban, Historic mosque city of Bagerhat, Ruins of the Buddihist vihara at paharpur are the three world heritage sites existed in Bangladesh among 1007. To observe the beauty of nature, huge amount of domestic and foreign tourists visit the said places. In 2012, around six lakh tourist came Bangladesh to visit and enjoy it’s natural beauty. The total contribution of travel and tourism to GDP was 4.4% , to employment was 3.8% and to investment was 1.5% in 2013. Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (BPC) look after the tourism sector in Bangladesh under the ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism. Due to some limitations, Bangladesh has failed to introduce to the tourists as a tourist destination country. The paper tries to focus on the attractive tourist spot of Bangladesh and the contribution of tourism in the Bangladesh economy. The major concern of the writer is to highlight the factors by which Bangladesh can be one of the major tourist attractive country in the world in near future.
机译:孟加拉国充满自然风光。它被河流,海岸和海滩,考古遗址,宗教场所,丘陵,森林,瀑布,茶园等所环绕。桑达尔班,历史悠久的清真寺城市巴格哈特,帕哈德邦的佛教徒维哈拉废墟是存在于此的三个世界遗产1007年是孟加拉国。要观察自然风光,国内外的大量游客参观了这些地方。 2012年,大约六十万游客来到孟加拉国,欣赏自然风光。 2013年,旅行和旅游业对国内生产总值的总贡献为4.4%,对就业的贡献为3.8%,对投资的贡献为1.5%。由于某些限制,孟加拉国未能将游客介绍为旅游目的地国。本文试图集中于孟加拉国的旅游胜地和旅游业在孟加拉国经济中的贡献。作者的主要关注点在于强调孟加拉国在不久的将来可以成为世界上主要的旅游胜地之一的因素。



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